•4 - Directions•

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Mar agreed to go the party Saturday, her friends were ecstatic, especially Eve. She jumped as she screamed in joy, it didn't last long as Lily told her to shut up or none of them are going to this party.

They all decided to pick out her outfit cause as they said 'You're not going to your first party in leggings and a graphic shirt.' She was scared of what they were going to put her in seeing what they've wore to parties before. She also knew they wouldn't go over the top and put her in anything too skimpy.

Eve was talking her ear off as they walked to the building they had classes in. "I can't believe you said yes. I really thought you've said no but our Mar is growing up." She cheered. Mar slightly rolled her eyes as she walked along side her.

While that was happening, Jungkook and Hoseok was standing near a bench, talking. He saw Mar walking up their way. He froze as the unfamiliar warmth in his chest made him stop talking and focus on the woman.

"Dude are you good?" Hoseok asked, noticing his friend's strange behavior. He turned to look at what he was looking at to see the tiny woman they saw from the other day and another woman that was walking their way. He looked back at Jungkook, connecting the dots.

"Is one of them her?" He asked again. The dazed man snapped out of it and looked at him.

"No." He said looking at his friend, hoping he'd believe his lie.

"You should go talk to her." Hoseok said, seeing right through his lie.

"What do I even said?" Jungkook asked, knowing Hoseok noticed his lie.

"Ask her if she needs help with directions, she looks new." He answered. "Just be cool, ok." He patted his shoulder.

"How do I do that?" He asked more questions.

"When they're near us, say hey. It'll catch their attention." He answered then turn around to see how close they were. Soon enough a cheerful woman was near them with her little slightly annoyed friend walking beside her.

Hoseok lightly hit Jungkook's arm to get him to speak as he seemed to have shut down. He quickly recovered as he braced himself to speak. "Hey." He tried to grab their attention.

The cheerful one stopped and looked at Jungkook to see what he wanted. He quickly pointed his index finger at the tiny one that didn't notice her friend stopped and was still walking. She looked at where he was pointing his finger at and almost let out a scream when she realized he was pointing at her friend.

She quickly grabbed Mar's attention as she called the confused girl over. She then pointed back at the man that now had his finger down and was more nervous than ever. Mar looked at where she was pointing to see a shy, blushing man staring at her.

"Um, do you know where building 401 is at?" He softly said before he realized that he was supposed to ask her if she needed help with directions not ask her for help with directions.


Mar blushed as he talked to her, her cheeks got rosy red as she struggled to make eye contact.
"N-no I'm new here, b-but there is a ma-map if you need i-it." She said, cutely jumping a bit when she was talking to said the map causing Eve to smile even harder and for Hoseok to crack a small smile at the woman. She also had a little trouble starting off the second part of the sentence.

Jungkook would've smiled if he wasn't so embarrassed. "Oh ok, thank you." He said.

"No problem." She smiled as she spoke smoothly. Her and Eve began walking again as Eve was jumping in joy. Hoseok on the other hand turned his body towards Jungkook.

"She's cute." Hoseok said.

"I know." He was still embarrassed as his blushing cheek were cooling down.

"Jimin flirted with one of her friends after you left and she was with her." He told Jungkook. "He pointed her out without even knowing after you left." He laughed at the situation.

"Did she talk?" He asked, not thinking too deeply into Hoseok's last sentence. He assumed she was the shy type due to her cheeks reddening and her stuttering.

"No, giggled a little though when Jimin was hitting on her friend and she made a witty remark." Jungkook felt the weird feeling in his chest again when he heard that. He thought about the first time he saw her and how happy she looked when she was laughing with her friends and imagined how cute she'd look giggling.

"Dude, you're spacing out again. Are you ok?" Hoseok asked him as he seemed to be in another world again.

"Yes I'm fine." He asked. "I just can't believe I asked her the wrong thing. I was suppose to ask her if she needed help finding any of her classes not ask her where one of my classes is located at." He facepalmed.

"At least she didn't mind and was nice about it." Hoseok tried to comfort the man.

Jungkook sighed. "Yea, you're right." He checked his phone screen to see what time is it. His next class was about to start soon, he put his phone back in his phone. "I need to go to class, I'll talk to you later. This never happened ok."

"Ok, bye. Be safe." Hoseok said as he went to go sit on the bench nearby him as he watched Jungkook walked in the direction the women came from.

We got our first Mar/Jungkook interaction 😏

But anyways, I love y'all 💕💕

Please be nice to Mar

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