•17 - Sleepover•

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The documentary wasn't very long and the both of them seems to enjoy it with Mar rambling about another documentary she watched that was about the same topic. Jungkook listen to her go on and on about it till she was finally done and surprised him again when she leaned into his chest.

His arm was still around her so she thought why not make a move on him. His chest felt soft and firm at the same time, she could tell it was absolutely shredded. She continued to lay there as she started wasting time on her phone. He was also on his phone smiling at the woman's move.

The bright smile of his face dulled when he saw a text message from their group chat. He clicked it to only see Jimin yelling at him in the chat.



It might have been a little too late to realize that he forgot to tell his friends about his first date with Mar but he forgot to tell his friends he was going on a date with Mar.

Soon the whole group chat was an entire mess.

Taetae - who the hell told you that

Minnie - Lily

Yoons - Shocked she's even talking to you


Joonie - If he was on a date with her, he'd tell us

Jin - He's right

Minnie - One of her best friends literally told me that she went to a diner with him and they went back to their dorm and y'all still don't believe me

Hobi - Why is he at her dorm

Taetae - I don't know but if he's doing what I think he's doing he works fast

Yoons - I can guarantee you he's not doing what you think he's doing

Jin - Yea dude can barely talk to her

Minnie - Ok Lily told me more about their date after she cursed me out twice

Taetae - Was across the room watching her do it it was hilarious

Taetae - "piss off you hot bastard"

Hobi - Tell us what she told you about the date and we'll talk about her cursing you out later

Minnie - Oh yea so he's over there for a sign language session

Jin - That slick bastard

Taetae - I just knew he was learning sign language to get closer to her

Joonie - Was not expecting him to come up with that

Hobi - His game is kinda good tho

Yoons - It is

Yoons - Wait aren't you in a room with someone

Hobi - They're doing what they need to be doing

Mar was looking up at him sneakily as he was reading the messages in the chat. He looked so focused on his phone, that soon changed when he noticed she was looking at him and looked down at her. She looked back down at her phone, blushing heavily as she was caught.

Jungkook chuckled, continuing to look down at her. She could feel his eyes on her, working up a little courage she looked up at him. She only made eye contact for a few seconds before it got too overwhelming. "What?" She asked.

"Nothing, just being a copycat." Mar sucked her teeth.

"Whatever." She tried to move a little away from him, wanting to playfully act like she didn't want to be all up on him but his arm was still wrapped around her. He laughed at her realization she was trapped against him. "I would leave if someone wasn't t-trapping me but I guess since I'm stuck here I'll enj-joy it." She continued to rest on his tone chest.

"I'm sure you wanted to leave me." He remarked, she enthusiastically nodded at him.

"I very much did, but I'm comfy so I'll just stay here." She really was comfortable in his arm, being surrounded by her cozy blanket and his chest even if they were in an awkward position.

Mar didn't want to go onto his lap, not knowing if he was comfortable with that. It'd be an understatement if she had said she wanted to see how it would feel but she didn't want to ask him thinking it'd be awkward to even mention.

"Mmmm, ok." The girl did look comfortable to him even if she was in an uncomfortable position. Her legs were next to his but her upper body was facing towards him. "Your lower back is going to be hurting tomorrow if you keep sitting like that."

"Oh." Mar didn't want to change how she was sitting, wanting to be leaning on his chest.

"You can swing your legs over my lap if you want to." He suggested, she nodded as she moved her legs over his lap. His grip around her tightened a bit as her back and side didn't have anything to support them. Mar scooped a bit forward so her side can comfortably lean on Jungkook's chest for support. "Are you comfortable or do we need to change your position again?"

"We can change my position a-again, my waistband is digging into my stomach." Jungkook nodded.

"Tell me if this makes you uncomfortable." His cheeks turned into a light pink. He wrapped his arms around her torso and under her knees to bring her onto his lap. While all that was happening, Mar was looking at where his arms were going, wanting to know what he was going to do. Her eyes almost came out of their sockets when she saw his biceps flex as he moved her onto his lap.

"Are you uncomfortable?" He snapped her out of her own thoughts.

"No, I'm fine." Her cheeks were around the same color as his, a rosy pink. "I-I don't think we have t-to change my position now."

"Good." He looked down at her, his blush going down a bit. She tried to make eye contact with him before she had to look away as it was too overwhelming. He chuckled and went back to messing around on his phone.

Mar was also on her phone checking up on her friends. The vibe between them wasn't awkward, it was actually a very comfortable silence. She was finding it very hard to concentrate though with his arm being wrapped tightly around her and his hand absentmindedly rubbing her thigh over the thin blanket.

Her eyes started to become droopy, daring to drift into sleep at any second. Jungkook was feeling the same way, resting his head back on the couch. Within minutes they were both fast asleep in each other's embrace turning their first date into a sleepover.

Besties I owe y'all an apology

It's been two months since I updated this book and I started not one, but two different books instead of updating this one

I'm ashamed 😞

But how did y'all like this chapter?

Jungkook made a little move on our Mar 😏

But anywho I love y'all and I'm going to disappear again

I'll try to keep up with the updating schedule ( Monday and Friday ) tho

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