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I feel really bad for having to leave Kendall's house, we were having so much fun, but I wonder what this meeting is going to be about. All were doing this summer is recording, simple as that. How could their be a management meeting about that?

The lads and I got back to our hotel, after signing some autographs and taking pictures for fans who were waiting outside, got dressed quickly and then Paul took us to where the meeting was being held. 

We walked into the building, and went up fifteen floors in the elevator to where the meeting was. We walked into the room, where a few people from the management people were already sitting down. I sat down next to Zayn as we looked at each other, puzzled on why we were here. A few minutes later the meeting started.

"We've held this meeting to discuss some things that have been happening lately. A few in particular." The head person of management, Charlotte stated.

"Harry" she said.

Oh no. 

"This fling you have going on with needs to end." she said sternly.

"First of all, she is NOT a fling! And second, why do I need to end it?!" I said, angrily. 

"You have an image to obtain, you have "flings" privately, not out in public where everyone can see, and that everyone can know what your doing to the poor girl."

"What do you mean 'everyone can know what I'm doing?' She's my girlfriend, who I like very much, not a fling!"

"Everyone knows you are a womanizer Harry, thats part of your image, and if people see you "womanizing" a girl in public, they are going to think less of you." Charlotte said.

"I don't care what people think! She's my girlfriend and a very good friend of all of the boys too..So making me break up with her won't only be hurting me, but you'll be hurting all of us!" I nearly shouted.

"Well if you and blondie..uh whats her name?"


"Yeah so if you and miss 'Kendall' are going to be seen out in public and if she's sticking around, were going to have to meet her to approve of her." she said.

"What?! Approve of her?! Who are you to 'approve' of MY girlfriend?!" I stated.

"Do you want to stay with her or no?"

Of course I wanted to stay with Kendall, I like her more and more everyday, I would never throw that away for stupid management. But I don't want her to feel threatened or attacked by Charlotte and these other monsters. Who are they to say who I date? I don't understand this.

"Ugh..When do you want to meet her?" I said, giving in.

"Tomorrow, before you leave for San Francisco. Same place, at 12 noon." Charlotte said before walking out of the door, the others following her.

All that was left in the room was the boys and I, and Paul.

"Who the FUCK does she think she is? She can't tell me who I can and cannot date! She doesn't care that you're dating El, or you're dating Dani, or you're dating Perrie!" I said, pointing to Lou, Liam and Zayn. 

"Harry calm down mate...Everything will be fine. They will like Kendall I promise you that, I mean who wouldn't like Kendall! She's awesome!" Niall said, reassuring me.

"I hope that management can see that and they can get off my back. I'm sick of them trying to control every aspect of our lives" I said.

"Yeah well thats what we get for being hott famous dudes" Zayn said, fixing his hair, pretending to look sexy.

We all laughed at Zayn, thankful for him lightening up the mood a bit.

"I'm going to call Kendall, I'll meet you guys in the van." I said to the boys.

"Good luck mate, everything will turn out just fine" Lou said, patting my back.

The boys walked out of the room, leaving me to be by myself as I whipped out my phone. I called Kendall and put the phone up to my ear.

Kendall: Hey Harry! 

Hearing her voice instantly changed my mood. It's amazing how much one person can make you smile.

Harry: Hello beautiful

Kendall: How was the meeting?

Harry: Uh..if I could describe it in one word I would say...roadkill.

Kendall: Oh wow, what happened?

Harry: It was actually about you. The head of management told me I needed to stop seeing you because they thought you were just some fling and they didn't want me seen in public with a 'fling' so after she said that I went ballistic and kept yelling at her and it was just not a pretty sight.

Kendall: So..they dont want us to be together?

Harry: Not exactly..

Kendall: Oh...

Her voice was very quiet and faint, and she let out a huge sigh.

Harry: But I reassured them that you were not a fling and you were my girlfriend and I wasn't going to break up with you no matter what they. So with that said, they want to meet you to make sure of everything

Kendall: I have to meet them..? I don't know if I can do that Harry, what do I even say? What if they don't like me?

Harry: Trust me Kendall, they'll like you! And besides, they can't take you away from us, you're not just mine, you're friends with all of us, and the boys will put up one hell of a fight to keep you as a friend. Cause you're just that awesome!

I said, trying to lighten up the mood.

Kendall: Okay I'll do it. When?

Harry: Tomorrow at 12, before we leave for San Francisco.

Kendall: Okay...

She sounded nervous.

Harry: Everything's going to be alright love, I wont let anything happen to us

Kendall: I believe you.

I heard Kendall's mom calling her.

Kendall: I have to go help my mom make dinner, I'll see you tomorrow okay?

Harry: Okay, I'll pick you up at 11:30, bye love

Kendall: Bye Harry

I hung up the phone and put it in my pocket. I pulled on my hair in aggravation, then shook it and swept it to the side. I left the room and went to find the van to tell the boys what happened.

 AUTHOR'S NOTE: 3 Chapters in 1 day woooo! I have no life hahaha I'll update more either tonight or tomorrow!

My Summer Beach House *A Harry Styles Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now