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Kendall's P.O.V

We finally arrived at Six Flags, relieved that we didn't have to hear Louis singing 99 Bottles anymore. We pulled into a parking spot, and the van with the boy's band in it pulled in next to us. Somehow the word got out that One Direction was going to Six Flags, so there were many fans screaming, waiting by the entrance. I'm guessing there would be tons of fans in the park as well.

We managed to squeeze our way through the crowd, after about ten minutes of the boys signing stuff and taking pictures. We walked up to the booth and bought our tickets. Harry paid for mine even though we fought over it for a good five minutes. The lady put a bracelet around my wrist and we made our way into the park.

"What do you want to do first?!" Niall asked, jumping up and down.

"Let's go on that roller coaster!" Zayn said, pointing to the Batman ride.

"YES!" Liam said, with a giddy expression on his face. Liam loves Batman.

I heard Harry groan so I looked over to him. He was looking at the ride, with a horrid expression on his face.

I shook my head laughing, grabbed Harry's hand, and walked to the ride. We had Paul and Preston as security guards with us just in case things got out of hand. The boys had enough money to shut the whole place down for the day, probably the whole week, but they thought it wasn't fair to the other people who wanted to go today. They just wanted to be normal people for a day. 

We stopped in front of the ride, discussing who was going to sit with who. Harry squeezed my hand. I looked at him to see him biting his lip nervously. 

"You don't have to go on Harry. I'll stay here with you if you want" I said.

"Nonono, I want you to go on" He said.  "I'm gonna suck it up and go on too, for you" 

"Don't feel forced to go on just cause I want to" I said. "Ya big baby" I mumbled quietly, looking down at my feet.

"Excuse me...?" Harry said with his mouth open.

I laughed and he tickled my sides. 

"Come on let's go, I'll show you I'm not a baby" He said playfully, pulling me with him onto the line.

We waited on line for only about ten minutes. People knew who we were, so they let us cut them. I kept glancing over at Harry, who tried to look calm and brave but inside I knew he was dying. I laughed and moved closer to him, wrapping him in a hug hoping to calm him down.

They boys and I finally got to the front of the line and lined up in the rows. This ride sat four people to a row so me, Harry, Lou, and Liam sat in one row, Niall, Zayn, Josh and Paul sat behind us, and Sandy, Jon, Dan and Preston sat behind them. 

The gate opened and we sat down in the seats, pulling the lap bar down to hold us back. I looked over to Harry who had his eyes closed, swearing under his breath. I found his hand and held it, which caused him to open his eyes and smile at me. The man directing the ride pressed the button, and the ride started moving up the hill. 


"No way.

"Get me off."

"I wanna get off. Now!!!"

Harry was already screaming and the ride barely even started. 

"Harry it'll be fine you're not going to die!" I said laughing.

We finally reached the top, the ride slowly tipping downwards, and we swooshed down the hill. Harry squeezed my hand as tight as he could. He screamed and squeezed my hand the entire time. 

My Summer Beach House *A Harry Styles Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now