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The boys finally come home tonight! It's only been four days but I miss them so much. It's crazy how close I've become with all of them, I really don't want this summer to ever end.

I was laying on my bed. scrolling through Tumblr when a message popped on my screen saying that Harry wanted to Skype. I clicked the accept button and waited for it to load.

A few seconds later I saw Harry's smiling face on my computer screen.

"Hey Harry!"

"Hey Ken whatsup!" he said.

"Nothing really, just on Tumblr you?" I said.

"Hanging out in the hotel room...are you reblogging pictures of me and the boys?" he said cheekily, raising his eyebrows at me.

"Harrrryyy!" I whined, he knows that embarrasses me.

"I'm kidding babe" he said smiling at me.

"Anyways...did you have fun in San Francisco?" I asked.

"Yeah it was fun, singing for the kids at the hospital was amazing. But me and the boys miss you.." he said.

"I miss you guys too! But well see each other tonight!" I said, getting excited that I get to see Harry in a few hours.

"I cant wait! Usually me and the boys get annoyed when Liam, Lou or Zayn always say they miss their girlfriends, but all of us are saying we miss you"

"Awwww, I've been so lonely without you guys! I've been stuck hanging out with my parents" I said, rolling my eyes.

Me and Harry talked a little more about his trip when I heard someone knocking on Harry's door. Seconds later a tall, beautiful brunette walked into the room and Harry turned his head away from the screen to look at her.

"Harry babe are ya ready?" she said. She was wearing a really short red dress, and really high heels.

He didn't even have time to respond because I spoke first. "You know what Harry, I have to go, have fun,bye." I slammed my laptop closed. I knew he saw the tears threatening to spill onto my face, and I mentally slapped myself for not closing my laptop sooner. 

The T.V was right. He was with a tall brunette. He lied to me. Who knows what they were going to do when she asked Harry if he was 'ready'. I can't believe he would do that to me. He can't even convince me with a huge paragraph that nothing was going on, I saw it with my own eyes.

I crawled under my blankets, tears rolling down my face. I sniffled a bit, and closed my eyes, hoping to get away from all of this by sleeping a little. Minutes later I was passed out, tears staining my cheeks.


I woke up about two hours later. My eyes were sore and puffy from crying and I had a terrible headache. I looked at my phone to check the time, 3:00pm. I also saw that I had 8 missed calls and 10 messages. 6 of the phone calls were from Harry, the other two from Zayn and Liam. I didn't bother calling any of them back, so I went to the text messages. 

Harry: Kendall it wasn't what it looked like!

Harry: She was one of the models for the photo shoot we were doing that was set up in Niall's room!

Harry: I swear I have no interest in her, I only want you!

Harry: Ken please answer me

Harry: I saw you crying, please answer me I'm telling you the truth I promise

Harry: It kills me to see you cry..

Harry: Please Ken...

Louis: Kendall I know it looked bad but it wasn't like that! We wouldn't lie to you Kendall we love you!

Niall: Please answer us Ken!

Niall: Don't be upset, well get this all straightened out and everything will go back to normal, Harry would never do that to you, he cares about you so much Kendall.

I read all of the messages, feeling stupid that I assumed the worst. But what if their all just saying that, to not hurt my feelings? Ugh, I don't know what to believe. I know Harry cares about me, but he does have a past of being a man-whore. But he's changed, he's the sweetest and most romantic person I've ever met. He couldn't have done that to me, I wish I could just believe him fully.

I ignored the messages; I'll wait until they get home to talk to them. I rolled over onto my side, facing the wall and plugged my headphones into my phone, and put the headphones in my ears.

A few songs later I heard the door open, and I rolled over to see who it was. Harry. His eyes were red, it looked like he had been crying and he had a big envelope in his hands. I took my headphones out of my ears as he ran over to me, sat down on the bed and wrapped me in a hug.

"Kendall please believe me. I'm so sorry that looked wrong, but I promise you that it was a model for our photo shoot telling me it was my turn to take pictures. I would never do that to you, I care about you way too much! Seeing you cry broke my heart.."

He pulled apart from our hug and said "Look, I brought the pictures to show you she was just the model in our photo shoot, I need you to believe me"  he pleaded. He opened the envelope and showed me each picture, and she was, indeed, the model. She was posed with each boy separately and in a few shots she was with all of them. 

I feel so stupid. I cried for an hour over nothing, and made the boys worry. I pulled Harry into another hug.

"Oh Harry, I'm so sorry! I assumed the worst situation before you even had time to explain. I'm so sorry" I said, a few tears spilling out.

He pulled away and looked me in the eyes. He wiped away the few tears that slipped out onto my face. 

"Don't be sorry love, it really did look wrong, but I can assure you that it was absolutely nothing like that" he said.

I nodded and he put his arm around me, pulling me down to lean against the pillow on the headboard of the bed. He took his other hand and placed it in mine, intertwining our fingers. A wave of relief came over me, that he really didn't cheat on me. But wait, its only 3:15, he wasn't supposed to be home until 6.

"Harry?" I said.

"Hm?" he mumbled back.

"Weren't you supposed to come back at 6? Why are you home so early?" I asked.

"The moment I saw those tears in your eyes I ditched the photo shoot and had Paul drive me back here so I could be with you, I couldn't stand seeing you cry" he said sincerely.

"Really? You ditched your job to come to make sure I was alright?" I was surprised. He can't just leave his job and the photo shoot!

"You are way more important than a stupid photo shoot" he said looking down at me.

I smiled and pressed my lips to his, glad that this was all a misunderstanding,and that everything was perfect again.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm so bored with my life so I'm updating like 2 or 3 chapters a day! I don't go back to school for another week and a half so I don't really have anything to do! I would love some feedback on what you guys think of the story so far!

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