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It's been two days since the boys have been in San Francisco. We always managed to talk to each other whether Niall was texting me, Liam was calling me or Harry was Skyping me. It felt good that they cared, and that they actually wanted to talk to me.

I wouldn't say I was getting used to the fact that I'm now best friends with my favorite boyband, I could never get used to it, but its less of a shock now. I feel like I have been friends with them forever.

I decided to actually get out of my house and do something for the day so I walked into town to get a coffee. I was walking and minding my own business when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to see two girls smiling at me; they looked a year or two younger than me. 

"You're Kendall Towers right? Harry Style's girlfriend?" the one girl asked me.

"Yeah that's me" I said sweetly to the girl.

"Can we take a picture with you?!" the other girl said.

"You want a picture with me?" Im not famous why did they want a picture with me?

"Yeah! You're so pretty and so lucky to be with Harry!" one girl said.

"Aww thank you so much! That means a lot!" I said happily.

We took the picture and the girls thanked me. They said goodbye and started to walk away when I stopped them.

"Wait girls!" 

They turned around and walked back over to me.

"Do you guys have twitter accounts?"

They both nodded.

"Give me your twitter names and I'll give them to the boys so they can follow you! And tweet the picture of us so I can save it!"

"You would do that?! Wow thank you so much!" they said.

They gave me their twitter names and thanked me again before running off.

I continued walking to the coffee shop.

When I got there, I ordered a caramel iced coffee and a muffin and sat down at an empty table.

I was drinking my coffee and scrolling through Instagram when I heard Harry's name being said on the T.V in the corner of the cafe.

"It has just been reported that One Direction's Harry Styles has been seen walking around San Francisco with a tall brunette. Although there are no pictures yet, a source claims the two were flirting non-stop and smiling at each other.  But wasn't this teen heartthrob just spotted with this blondie a few weeks ago? I wonder how she feels about this" A picture of me and Harry popped up on the screen, from our date on the pier.

"We'll be going further into this juicy gossip once we get some more information. Stay tuned."

I choked on my coffee. The boys told me that the media always makes up rumors about them and to never believe them unless they are confirmed with the boys, but this just feels different. It feels like I just got stabbed in my heart. I didn't think Harry would do that to me, I know him, he just wouldn't do that. I guess I'd have to wait for Harry to tell me himself. 

I walked out of the coffee shop as fast as I could and walked back to my house, looking down. I blinked away a few tears, hoping that no one would notice; I didn't want my picture on that stupid celebrity gossip show saying 'Harry Styles girlfriend heartbroken due to the British hottie cheating.' Ugh. That would be terrible.

All of a sudden my phone started vibrating.. Harry Calling.

I decided to ignore his call, until I got home. People on the streets don't need to hear my phone conversations.

I walked into my house and went up into my room. Harry called back after the 4th time of me not answering, so I finally picked up.

Kendall: Hello

Harry: Kendall please listen to me, please tell me you weren't watching E News 20 minutes ago

Kendall: It was hard not to when your sitting in a coffee shop and your boyfriend is being talked about on a T.V show and all of a sudden your own picture pops up

Harry: I'm so sorry that had to happen but I swear to you that didn't even happen, I wasn't even walking around in San Francisco we've been doing interviews all day! I promise you Kendall, please don't listen to any of the rumors that are spread on the Internet or television! You have to trust me, I don't want to be with anyone else besides you, please believe me!

Kendall: Harry calm down! I believe you! You guys told me not to believe any rumors about you guys but I couldn't help but have some doubt. I trust you though Harry.

Harry: Oh my gosh thank god! I was so nervous that a freakin celebrity gossip show was going to ruin our relationship. They have nothing better to do with their lives than to make other peoples lives hell. I would never lie to you I promise babe.

Kendall: Thanks Harry, that wasn't really the way I wanted my first time on television to go, I wish they picked a better picture or something

I heard Harry laugh loudly on the other end of the phone

Harry: I miss you and your humor so much

Kendall: I miss you too Harry..You'll never guess what happened to me today

Harry: What?

I told him the story on how the two girls stopped me and asked me to take a picture with them.

Harry: Wow thats cool, look you're famous now too!

Kendall: Oh great

I said laughing.

Kendall: And I also got their twitter names and told them that you and the boys would follow them I hope thats alright

Harry: Yeah thats fine! Send me their names

I sent Harry their names and he told me him and the boys would follow the two girls.

Harry: We'll be home tomorrow night around 6 so want to hangout?

Kendall: Of course

Harry: Good, well we have to go to the hospital now to perform a few songs I'll talk to you later babe!

Kendall: Have fun! Bye!

I hung up the phone, plopped on my bed and sighed in relief. Thank god that was over with. I knew Harry wouldn't do something like that. I definitely didn't like being on t.v and talked about like that, but I guess thats what I have to put up with if I want to keep dating Harry.

My Summer Beach House *A Harry Styles Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now