Heavivily pregnant Reader (bout' to go into labour)

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The familiar spiky haired friend walks through your office door.

"Phoenix? What are you doing here?". You ask, sighing before getting up once again, the pains spiking your below.

You were pushing to 9 months pregnant, the father? Your little gummy bear - Detective Gumshoe. He's been working non stop to be able to afford things for you and the baby, well, hence is why you're still working now.

"Jesus shouldn't you be resting?". Phoenix says, sighing as he holds onto your shoulders. "Lawyers never quit even if they're going to give birth". You hum, panting at this rate. Phoenix rolls his eyes. "Mia taught you good, Huh?". He says grinning.

"Wouldn't want to let her spirit down" A giggle escapes your mouth, as Maya bursts in rambling. Her eyes look towards you angrily. "What did I say Y/N?!". She puffs her cheeks out, annoyed. "Mayaaaa pleaseeee". You pout, holding your back, feeling the baby kick.

It was a surprise after all, you and Gumshoe decided not to know the gender, or how many they were. You wanted it to be a surprise,.

"Come on, I'll get you home". Phoenix says, holding his hand on yours. "Phoenixxxx I'll be fiiiineeee". You murmur, feet heavily aching like never before. "Well, I think Miles would say different-". "NO!". You yell, pouting. "Then off we go". Phoenix says. "I'm coming too!". Maya says grinning.

As you leave the office, the strong pains around your uterus contracts, making you hiss and yelp, breath hitching. Phoenix shakes, and Maya pats you. "This is why we told you not to work, and you decided to". Phoenix says. "Y-you know how Dick is struggling at the moment Phoenix". You mumble, a tear coming to your eye.

"He's been working so hard lately just to provide for us". You mumble, knees almost collapsing on you. "Hey- Hey!". Phoenix yells, grabbing your arm.

The pain radiates to around your back, all the way up making you hum, taking deep breaths. Though, as you look towards Maya, you saw her channeling Mia.

"Y/N, you know it's time right?". Mia hums, her eyebrows lifting. "I-it can't be!". You hum, struggling to get up. "Y-you mean she's going into labour?!". Phoenix asks. Mia nods. "I mean, Phoenix. I'm watching the moment I'm going to become an auntie". Mia says giggling. You roll your eyes.

"Will you call Gumshoe? Put it on- AAHHH".

As your eyes shut as quickly as they could, you sit, propped up onto your knees panting. The contractions pushing through further, accelerating your pain.

"Phoenix? Might want to get an ambulance". Mia says, holding your hand.

"Gumshoe?". Phoenix hums, hearing the ruffled loud speaker line. "Hey pal, what's up?!". He asks. "Y/N's- uh, how to put this...going into labour?". He says, nervously scratching his neck.


Phoenix quickly pulls the phone away from him, as you giggle.

The pain makes you wince, slightly sobbing in between breaths before finally being able to stand up.

"I-I can walk". You mutter, holding your belly. The baby kicks harshly, as Mia giggles. "Don't be scared, in a few hours you'll be able to see your son or daughter". She says, as you waddle along the corridor to the elevator.

"I'M ON MY WAY!". Gumshoe yells, as the phone cuts off.

"He seems, okay?". Phoenix says, before calling an ambulance.

"G-Gaaaaaah! Grrrr-hah!". Your face starts to sweat slightly, the pressure building upon you, spike of pain shooting all around your pelvis as Mia furrows her brows at you, stroking your hair.

 ONESHOTS [Gumshoe x Reader!] MIXWhere stories live. Discover now