Confession Love

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You had been working with Detective Gumshoe over a few years now. Since you were little you moved from Britain to LA, to work with the finest homicide team. Though what you didn't expect was to gather up loads of friends on the way,

Like Mia Fey- a woman who was apart of the Fey family, known for connecting to the spirits beyond. Or Your school friends like Phoenix Wright who you met in grade school along with Larry Butz and Miles Edgeworth. You didn't really expect to see any of them again- well...that was until Phoenix had himself busted when he was at Ivy University, and Larry when he was framed for murder. Though you bumped into Edgeworth whilst on a walk with Gumshoe.

Ah yes, Dick Gumshoe. detective, head of the homicide department in the town. You decided when you were young to become a homicide detective like Gumshoe, and over the years you had taken a liking to this giant tough guy, who was in fact a huge push over. Though you wouldn't want him to change for the world. He made you happy. especially from saving you from your psychopathic ex. .


"Right Y/N, today's the day...Well, another crime-scene. Hopefully Phoenix and Edgeworth can put it to rest. Those two really need to stop bickering!". You say to yourself, watching as you straighten your hair. You threw on a navy blouse - somewhat see through as well as black tight jeans that pulled above your waist, and a inky coloured long sleeved jacked that dangled just below your knee caps. Your detective badge dangled around your neck on its chain loop, as you shove on your low top trainers and a bobble hat - seen as though it's cold out.

Before you could even do anything else, your phone rang.

"Hello? Dick?". You question. "Heya pal! I was wonderin' if you wanted a lift to work?". Gumshoe asks. A slight heat pooled into your cheeks. "S-sure Dick. I was going to walk-". Gumshoe cut you off. "Are you serious?! It's like minus 5 degree out!". He says, hearing the cold within his voice. "Over dramatic aren't we Dick?". You say giggling. You hear him sigh. "Y/N, pal. You're the dramatic one". He says. "Ah alright, I'll argue with you when your here". You say, smirking on the phone. "We'll see about that!". He exclaims before putting the phone down.

You wandered around your kitchen, grabbing a metal canister of coffee and two cups with some home made chicken curry - which you knew Gumshoe loved.

"Well, we're out on duty just before the trial tomorrow . Gives us time to gather everything before we head to the court house" You murmur, watching out the window. Shortly, a black audi pulls up, watching the heavy looking detective climb out, his cheeks rosy from the cold air, his mousy hair all over the place, khaki Trench-coat flapping around gently. Though without warning his dark chocolate eyes gaze at yours, making you wave and giggle with excitement.

Oh how you loved being around Gumshoe...The first time you both met, it was as if it was an instant attraction to the both of you, to which you were scared of...especially with your ex stalking you around...Though you felt safe with Gumshoe. He was quite a big build, and it made you feel small. But it also made you feel protected.

You lock the door to your apartment, hearing the heaving stomping of his feet reach the corridor to your door. "Heya". He says, smiling. "Dick". You say, smiling back. Though, Gumshoe couldn't help but hold back his breath. The outfit you wore made you stand out, and the bobble hat made you look super cute- "are you okay? You seem a bit off Gumshoe". You say, touching his face. He couldn't help but flinch and laugh. "Sorry Pal, I'm good!". He says, rubbing his neck.

"So, where we off to today then?". You ask. "Oh, right. Yeah. You know Global Studios?". He asks. "Oh yeah? They make that steal samurai program don't they?". You question. "Ah yeah, that's the one". He says grinning. "Anyways, one of the actors has been reported murdered. Will Powers who plays the steel samurai is in custody - since nobody else had seen him. We're going to the scene to investigate". He says. You nod.

 ONESHOTS [Gumshoe x Reader!] MIXWhere stories live. Discover now