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Kaminari: *runs to Mina* MINA! MINA!

Mina: what?

Kaminari: your name is inside my name!

Mina: oh- oh my God it is!!

Sero: *walks in* what-

Mina: my name is inside his name!

Sero: what-

Kaminari: *writing on the board "Kaminari"*

Sero: oh-


Shoto: *sat with Monoma*

Shinso: *watching with Katsuki* wtf are they doing?

Bakugo: they look to be writing something-

Monoma: *waves at them*

Shinso: *waves back* I'm so confused-

Katsuki: same-


Aizawa: Mic-

Mic: yes?

Aizawa: what would you say if I got hit by a quirk-

Mic: depends on the quirk.

Aizawa: uhhh- just look at me.

Mic: *looks at Aizawa* awww

Aizawa: stfu- *got hit with a quirk that's given him cat ears and a tail*

Mic: no its adorable.

Aizawa: ...... humph.

Mic: hehe. *pets him*

Aizawa: *purrs* I- fuck you.

Mic: go ahead.

Aizawa: ..... I'm going to Shoto-

Mic: no don't leave meeee-

Aizawa: ........ fine. *sits on Mic's lap*

Mic: :3


Midnight: we should make nicknames for each other!

Aizawa: no.

Midnight: Yes! Anyway Mic can be Megaphone.

Mic: fair-

Midnight: All Might can be Iggle Piggle from in the night garden-

All Might: wtf-

Midnight: and Aizawa can be-

Aizawa: no-

Midnight: black panther.

Aizawa: that's not to bad-

All Might: wtf is with mine being Iggle Piggle?!

Midnight: I don't know. You tell me. Iggle Piggle.

All Might: ......

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