Chapter 19

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One night Jinyoen saw Sunwoo was sitting and practicing. She hugged him from back and asked "So, you came early. I thought you will get late" The person turned around. Jinyoen's eyes  widened there was Jidiwi instead of Sunwoo.

"I'm so sorry. I thought you were my brother"

"Can you stop calling him brother."

"He is my brother and how am I going to call him?"

Jidiwi turned to face the girl. "Just stop"

Jinyoen continued to draw the picture which she had half completed yesterday.

"Is it true that you can't read?"

"It is. You have to teach me from the beginning"  While Jinyoen continuing her drawing Jidiwi was staring at her in awe. When she finished she gave it to Jidiwi.

"I've met so many people who cannot write at all. But have never met a person who cannot read. Here, this character means butterfly. If you look at the picture rather than the word you will find the word in the picture"

Jidiwi enthralled by her work. He turned to face her with a begging look at his eyes.

"Is there another word that you like to know"

Jidiwi nodded his head slowly.


Jinyoen finished and gave the drawing Jidiwi. He looked at it carefully.

"What does this picture means?"

"This bird who is in the nest is the queen. The young bird who has fallen down is the king. The queen has no intention to stepping down. So, the king must stand by his own just like this little bird has to learn how to fly by himself. He became king against his will and he is unable to come forward. He hasn't many people to help him. So, he must be his own person"

Jidiwi was shocked by her words.

"There are some people who should have never born. If he would never have been born he wouldn't have been pushed away from the nest" Jidiwi could feel his tears gather but he didn't let them fall.

"You are right. But that is what cowards do. Blaming something which had already happened. The king shouldn't give up easily. He must reclaim what belongs to him. He should learn from the mistakes that he made. I personally think the faceless king is lucky. He grew up away from the palace. He grew up with the people. He knows about people.He can understand them. That experience will make him a good ruler."

Jidiwi stood up followed by Jinyoen.

"How dare you say those things about king?" Jidiwi looked straightly at the girl's eyes.

"Why are you acting this way"

"Who are you ? Who are you to make me feel pathetic ?" Jinyoen was confused by his actions. Jidiwi trapped her at one of the entrance to the room.

"Wh-what are you..." Jidiwi closed the gap between them and connected their lips together.  Jinyoen was frozen at the spot. She couldn't move she couldn't think. She felt his hands sliding towards her waist pulling her close. Her eyes were widen. As soon as she felt her body back she pushed Jidiwi away from her and ran to the physician room without stopping. The doors suddenly opened and Sunwoo walked in.

"Well, I- I was" Sunwoo grabbed her hand and placed a dry cloth.

"Wipe it. Let's rest to night. I know it's new to me but give me sometime and I will become a real brother for you."

When Jinyoen was walking home she remembered the kiss. She touched her lips. But she couldn't figure out what made her heart to skip the beat when she was near to him.   

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