Chapter 26

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Jinyoen heard princess Sookmyung is going to come to the hwarang house. She was excited to see the princess. Jidiwi saw that she was beaming from excitement and couldn't help but laugh at her childish actions. When he got near to her he heard she was speaking to herself.

"Why is she talking long time? Is she beautiful. Of cause she must be beautiful. She is the king's bride after all. Will she be like the queen? Oh no! If she is like queen means she has a coldheart.  What if she doesn't smile? Then the king will forget to smile too. If the king forgets to smile his subjects will forget to smile.Oh no! Will I be forget to smile. Jinyoen stop. You are being ridicules. She is not going to come now. I'm going. I have so much work to do. The princess must be the most beautiful lady in Silla. She has the king's heart after all." When Jinyoen was out of earshot Jidiwi laughed loudly.

"Seriously that girl!"

"Why are you laughing your majesty?" Asked Paoh going close to him.

"Jinyoen was being ridicules. Do you know why Sookmyung is going to come here?"

"Maybe for nothing your majesty. Don't worry about it."

"My mother has chosen her as my bride. Like I'm going marry her. I'll marry Jinyoen. Jinyoen only."

"Do you love her that much your majesty?"

"She is my deep soul Paoh. I cannot live without her. She was here thinking how beautiful the princess must be for capturing the king's heart. Unknowingly that the King has given his heart to her already."


Jinyoen was in the clinic humming softly when the door of the clinic opened. She turned to see Jidiwi walking over to her.

"Why are you here?" Asked Jinyoen confusion.

"I was looking for my heart. I found it." Said Jidiwi  and sat beside her.

"Your heart?"

"My heart is you." Jinyoen felt her face heatup.

"You are going to come tonight , right?"

"I haven't think about it"

"What! You must come. I'm planing on dance for you"

Jinyoen let go a huge sigh.

"I need you. Only you tonight" Jidiwi left the room.

"What gibberish! He clearly gives me headache."Jinyoen placed her head on the table.

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