Chapter 21

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Sooho, Yeowool, Sunwoo and Jidiwi all began to sneak out from the hwarang house doing their very best to be as quiet as posible. Everything went smoothly until they saw the big guard .

"What is this?Did the wine not work" Sooho whispered. Yeowool looked terrified.

"No, no it worked. Look" Pointed Sunwoo. Just when Sooho about to come out from their hiding place Yeowool grabbed his hand and pulled him back.  He pointed the opposite direction. Jinyoen was coming from the corner.

"What is she doing this hour?"

"She must be going home. Make no sound" They watched Jinyoen staring at the guard with a highly confused face and went off.


Jinyoen had asked Ahro to come with her so, it would be much easy for her to threat to hwarang. Jinyoen found that Ahro was in a deep thought but didn't asked about it. When they got there Jinyoen was greeted by Jidiwi by giving her a hair pin. She looked at him confused. He just went away.

"Who was that?" Ahro questioned.

"Well, someone who is here"

"Then why your face is red?"

"N-no . No reason at all"

"Jin, you are my little sister. I know about you"

"Promise me you won't tell anyone." Ahro nodded her head.

"Well, um I like him a little bit may be. I don't know. I don't know how he feels about me but he kissed me some days ago" Jinyoen explained. And dragged Ahro towards the physician room.

"From where did you get those things lady Jinoen"? Pi Jooki asked as soon as he saw them.

"Got what exactly" he dragged them inside. When they arrived they were shocked. The clinic were completely covered by expensive silk furniture and other things which comes from the west.

"I think your brother lord Eun had send you these my lady" Jooki said to Jinyoen.

"No, he knows I don't like these things."

"Who do this to a clinic. It's a burden." Examined Ahro.

"Do you know how much this cost" Jooki stated making Ahro's eyes widen.

"You mean silver?"

"No, not silver Ahro. This cost gold. A lot of them."

"If this isn't your brother's work my lady, I think may be it is a bait. Bait to win your heart."

"What kind of idiot did this?"

Outside the clinic Jidiwi and Paoh heard Jinyoen's scream. Paoh quickly left Jidiwi letting him to face the wreath of Jinyoen.

"Oi you" Jinyoen called Jidiwi. "Did you do that?"

"It cost too much gold."

"I know. That's why I asked. Why?"

"Because I can. And I want to"


"Because I like you" Jinyoen felt her heart skipped the beat. But she was angry at him for wasting money. She sighed loudly and took Jidiwi's hand and rubbed her over his knuckles.

"Jidiwi, I don't want these things from you. I've got money, power from my birth. But no love. There are so many people who love me adore me. But I don't have a mother. I don't have a father. It's not money I care about. I care about people. That's why I learned to be a physician. I want a person who understands me who loves me by all of his heart. I do not want money. There are so many people who can't eat everyday. We threat them Help them to survive. By using the money that you spent for those things could have fulfilled the hunger of so many people. Most nobles are selfish. They only care about themselves. I do not want to see you as one of them" Jinyoen gently patted his head and left.

Jidiwi was touched by this. Finally he understood her. She was a simpal girl with  a golden heart. At that moment he knew that he had won Jinyoen's heart. He promised to himself to be a man just like she wants.        

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