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Rose's PoV:

We were stopping for dinner once again. The stupid baby Mango still hadn't stopped sobbing like the little baby she was, same with Indigo really... but Mango was definitely worse.

At least Indigo knew to stay out of my way.

There were so many others who would have given Mango empathy... yet she still kept trying to talk to me. 'Cause I was her 'roomie' or whatever. Well if she didn't realise, I don't care. About any of it.

I mean... I don't want Peach getting hurt, and ejection had already been mentioned. We still hadn't figured anything out after Lemon got stabbed, but I know from Indigo that Snow went into comms, which is where she found Lemon.

But it couldn't possibly have been him, since he's too dumb to even comprehend what killing someone means... if I remember correctly, he thought his mother was 'sleeping' and sometimes says she's still around with him. So yeah, no leads.

Peach waved over at me to join her, I was about to but that's when I noticed Emerald sitting next to her. That idiot with the pretty eyes... he'll never understand just how much I hate him. And I do, I hate him so much... but if I say anything remotely mean to him, Peach won't be extremely appreciative, to say the least.

So. I didn't join them. I sat down in the only other free seat, which was between Chocolate and Mango.

Yes, that's how much I hate Emmy Ems.

"Hey Rose" Mango mumbled, a small smile creeping onto her face. "You sat next to me!"

"I didn't want to" I grumbled back, pretending to inspect a bit of dirt on the table. "Only seat left. So don't get used to it"

She giggled a little, claiming, "You're funny"

"Am not"

"I think you're nice really."

"Well" I snapped, spinning around to glare at her, "I hate people, especially little kids, so I think that you should shut up and eat your dinner before I ram it down your throat and you choke, suffocating slowly and painfully, until you die just like your mother did!"

Shocked and speechless, Mango stared at me unblinkingly for a few seconds, unsure of how to react, on the verge of bursting into tears.

"ROSE!" Someone yelled from behind me, but I've grown so used to getting yelled at that it didn't surprise me in the least. "How DARE you!" Heads were now turning in our direction. It was Teal, who stormed over and hugged Mango protectively.

The small crewmate tightly clung onto Teal, beginning to cry once again. "What's wrong with you?" Teal hissed, rage evident. This was the most emotion I'd seen her express in a looooong time.

"What's it matter? She was crying anyway" I shrugged, noticing Chocolate quivering in fear from next to me.

"Okay, girls, enough" Lime shakily ordered, making his way across the room, but Teal wasn't done.

"You now what, Rose? Everyone's thinking the same thing about you, so I'm going to say it" she continued, her father also walking over to stop the fight. "You're rude, horrible, and just downright nasty to everyone for no reason."

"Teal!" Cyan snapped, "with me. Now."

"The worst thing is that everyone just puts up with it!! Just because you have no feelings, it doesn't mean you shouldn't consider that other people actually do!" She yelled, blatantly ignoring her father. "You're so careless and the only thing you take joy in is hurting other people and that's just sick!"

Laughing bitterly, I responded "Come on, you can do worse than that!"

"Oh and I will!" Teal snarled, Lime gently put a hand on her shoulder.

"Teal... I know what she said was horrible, but that doesn't mean you have to respond by being nasty too, okay?"

"I.... oki..... sorry Lime" she mumbled, and her dad shot Lime an angry glare.

"She's my daughter, I think you'll find that I'm dealing with this situation" he growled, "you deal with your nasty kid"

"I wouldn't say-" Lime began but got cut off by Cyan scolding Teal.

"Remember what your therapist said" he patronisingly reminded her, "no violence. Violence is a response to grief, and we're stopping that"

"You have a THERAPIST?!" I laughed, "gosh you absolute freak!"

Teal's gaze dropped to the floor, a single tear rolling down her cheek. "Teal..." Mango murmured, looking up at her. "Don't listen to her, you're lovely"

"Mhmm" the older child muttered back, pulling Mango closer and hugging her even more.

"Teal, I said, let's go" Cyan ordered, grabbing her by the arm and dragging her away. She practically yelped in surprise but didn't fight much, traipsing along with her father.

"Don't leave me too-" Mango whined, huddling into a tiny ball on the floor.

"It's okay" Lime murmured reassuringly, picking up and giving her a hug. "Want a cookie maybe?"

"Yeah" she mumbled sadly, and Lime walked off with her to get one, leaving me stood by myself.


That's just how I like it.


The Babysitter II: Happy HalloweenWhere stories live. Discover now