The big day arrives.

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Harriet was woken up by Kreacher, the Black families house-elf. He seemed grumpy and an unpleasant character to have around at first but he warmed up to you after a while, in his own way. Especially if you let him hit someone over the head with a frying pan. He had taken great pleasure in getting rid of reporters and other unwanted guests. Sitting up in her bed, she looked around. Damn, her room was tidy. It was almost unnatural.

The only thing that really stood out was her desk. Stacks of books and papers and some homework she really ought to finish were piling up.

"Please excuse Kreacher for waking you up so early Mistress," Kreacher said, "but Masters Lupin and Black insisted that Kreacher do so. Masters didn't tell Kreacher why. Now please allow Kreacher to serve Mistress Potters breakfast."

"Thank you Kreacher." Harriet said sitting up in her land of pillows, "I assume they had me woken up this early because of some last minute wedding preparations."

Kreacher placed a silver tray on her lap. It was covered in all sorts of Breakfast goodies.

"Kreacher, this looks amazing!" she said, eyes lighting up.

"You are too kind mistress," Kreacher said bowing deeply before leaving the room telling her to call if she needed anything.

Hurriedly, Harriet ate her breakfast. It wasn't difficult to rush, not when the food was this good.

Remus and Sirius were getting married the next day and Harriet was super excited. They had waited a little over twelve years for this and now it was finally happening! She quickly got dressed and practically raced down the stairs whilst tying her hair in a ponytail. Anything else was a waste of time and absolutely futile.

Skidding into the kitchen she saw Remus and sirius drinking tea.

"Morning Moony and Pads!" she said brightly.

"Morning cub!" Remus said, giving her a hug. "Sleep well?"

"Yeah." Harriet grinned.

"Any nightmares?" asked Sirius, concerned.

Rightfully so, the first two weeks here and Harriet had woken up screaming and in cold sweat more than once a night.

"Nope!" The smile was still there. "What did you want me woken up so early for?"

"Well," began Remus, looking tired but very content. "We still have some last minute preparations to do and Sirius couldn’t wait until later to tell you something."

"I got us all tickets to the Quidditch World Cup finale in a few weeks!" Sirius almost yelled. He looked like an exited puppy. You could practically see the tail wagging.

"Yes!" Harriet cheered, punching the air in triumph, "You are amazing! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"We have top box seats!" Sirius rejoiced.

She and Sirius proceeded to jump around the kitchen excitedly. Remus watched chuckling. Those two! His inner wolf wholeheartedly agreed that it was worth it.

A long time later, Harriet and Sirius were looking at flower arrangements and tablecloths. The assistant looked just about ready to cry.

Harriet couldn't blame him. They had been her for 3 hours stuck with turned down things and Sirius acting like the most extra perfectionist in the universe.

Well, he had already been extra. It was the perfectionism that had come as a surprise.
1 hour later they had finally found the perfect flower arrangements and tablecloths. It at least matched. The assistant and Harriet both sighed in relief.


The shopping tour continued for the rest of the day. Harriet and Pansy bumped into each other at Madelaine Beccari's fine robes looking for dresses. Honestly, Harriet would much rather have been wearing jeans and a t-shirt to the wedding.

In the evening Remus and Sirius were dragged off to their respective bachelor parties.

The next morning,  Harriet woke up at 7 am just to see if everything was in order. As far as she was concerned, today would be amazing.

She put on the dress she had bought the day before. It was knee length, emerald green and had golden details along the sleeves. She threw a coat over it so it wouldn't get dirty, left a note saying where she was going to be and used the floo network to get to Old Gardens where the wedding was being held.

She made sure everything was in place, checked the seating arrangements  (the Weasleys took up two rows on one side) and helped the cake company set up the 6 tier, red velvet and triple chocolate monstrosity covered in white fondant and leaves of 23 karat edible gold.

It was 100% clear who had designed it.

Harriet thanked whatever was holy that the family was essentially swimming in money and mentally berated Sirius for being so extravagant.

But then again, they had waited 12 years for this and this was coming from someone who had started a presentation with 'Sit down and buckle up my friends and enemies, because I am about to teach you a thing I read about two hours ago and pretend I completely understand everything so lean back and enjoy the next 30 minutes of my extravaganza!'.

She couldn't really talk now, could she?

At 9 am the guests began to arrive. Remus had arrived half an hour earlier. Of course Sirius was going to be the 'bride'. Harriet had a feeling how that was going to go.

Sirius Black is a Bridezilla and you can't change my mind!

Welcome to the fourth installment in this series!

XOXO, Drachma

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