The Reaping

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Suddenly, the goblets fire turned red and a piece of paper flew out, directly into Dumbledore's waiting hand. He studied it for a moment, then announced, "The champion from Beaubatons is... Fleur Delacour."

There was clapping and cheering from the student crowd as Fleur swept up to the front of the hall and into the next chamber. Harriet added her own applause and cheered.

So she was sucking up. Big deal. It was called business.

Once the commotion had died down, the flames flashed crimson again. Once again, Dumbledore caught the piece of paper.

"The champion for Durmstrang," he said in a clear voice, "is Viktor Krum."

The hall erupted in applause for the second time. The Durmstrang students actually used the Bulgarian Quidditch chant.

"KRUM! KRUM! KRUM!" the rest of the jocks in the hall cheered.

Harriet rolled her eyes, but didn't miss the way someone may or may not have blushed at the smile Krum sent their way.

"Really, Draco?" she asked him, "Thought you were into a certain redhead?"

"A readhead who doesn't like me back! Besides, he's good looking enough!"

Blaise let out a snort and elbowed him in the ribs. "Maybe you should look on your own level? Lower your expectations?"

"I think if he lowered his Standards any further he'd have to try to date Theo or Colin Creevey!" Harriet said.

"What about me?" Blaise asked slightly offended.

"I said something about lowering standards, not giving them up!"

Krum swaggered up to the front of the hall like he was the new owner of the school - by popularity that might be accurate - and into the adjoining chamber.

Next was the champion for Hogwarts. The students waited with baited breath. Harriet took a glance at the most likely candidates, they all looked so expecting.

The flames turned red. Dumbledore unfolded the piece of paper.

"Cedric Diggory!" he called.

The entire student body exploded with cheers. Diggory was one of the best and everyone liked him. He walked to the front of the hall and into the next chamber with a huge grin and suprise on his face.

Harriet guessed he hadn't thought he'd get chosen.

"Now we have concluded -" Dumbledore began.

The flames turned red again. The hall fell silent. Everyone was staring at the Goblet in disbelief. A piece of paper floated out. It was snatched out of the air by Dumbledore.

"Harriet Potter." he said quietly.

Of course the entire hall heard. Pin drop silence always happened at the worst of times.

Harriet's blood left her face. No way. This was not happening. Nope. Not at all.

"Harriet Potter!" Dumbledore bellowed, his voice echoing off of the walls.

Harriet sat frozen.

"Go on," Draco told her giving her a small shove.

Harriet shot him a betrayed look and stumbled to the front of the hall and into the next chamber feeling terrified. This was a mistake, right?

She chanced a glance around. It didn't seem like anyone was going to help. Everyone was as shocked as she was. Some Gryffindor students were glaring. So were some Hufflepuffs. The Ravenclaws looked curious at best and all of Slytherin seemed to be in shock. One of the prefects actually fainted.

The other champions had obviously heard her name being called because they were staring at her. Shakily, she sat down in a nearby chair. The candlelight flickered across four horrified faces.

"You didn't put your name in, did you?" Cedric Diggory asked. It was more of a statement then a question. She could either confirm or deny it.

She decided to go with the truth and nodded weakly. Diggory poured her a glass of water.

It was nice of them to put out snacks. Harriet grabbed the nearest thing and began to eat.

"'ow could zey let zis 'appen?" Fleur looked furious. Krum was glaring at the door the teachers would come through any moment. All three of the older champions looked ready to kill.

What? Were they scared a fourteen year old would steal their thunder?

Not bloody likely.

Maybe they were concerned? Nah, they didn't know her that well.

Harriet grabbed another snack. There were quite a few to get through. Were those mini-marshmallows? And pop rocks?

How did they get muggle sweets?

Favourite sweet?

XOXO, Drachma

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