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Pansy Parkinson was going to stay in St. Mungo's for the remainder of the summer. Longer, if necessary. The treatment for the bite hadn't been recieved in time and she was now a werewolf.

Her parents hadn't taken it well, screaming at anything and anyone to do something. Harriet was glad they didn't blame her, despite having every right to. Maybe that made her a bad person.

Cassie's body had been recovered. Harriet had only seen part of it, but it seemed lucky that Theo wasn't present. She wasn't sure how well he would have taken it.

Theo had failed his exams but was allowed to retake them due to the circumstances. Poor guy would have to sacrifice his holidays. Perhaps it would serve as a temporary coping mechanism?

Harriet got top marks on the exams because Hermione was stumped on the werewolf question. No one blamed her. What had happened would haunt them all for a while to come. Draco had forgotten the second half of his potions exam.

Harriet won the tri wizard tournament by two points for using less violent ways of getting past the magical creatures in the maze. Something that Charlie Weasley applauded her for and Seamus just didn't get. He wasn't the most animal friendly person. At least he could stand puppies.

George hadn't been dealing with Jiyu's death too well. He had had a near meltdown at the funeral. It had been closed-casket because Jiyu's parents hadn't wanted to traumatize Jiyu's younger brother, Hinata. He was starting Hogwarts next year.

Fred spent a lot of his time trying to get George to smile and was often seen dragging him to and fro through the halls of Hogwarts in an attempt to stop him from shutting down in grief completely. He obviously didn't realise he looked just as bad.

The Champions spent a lot of time together, bonded by their experiences together. The always talked about something else as to not have to breach that subject.

Meanwhile, Rita Skeeter made sure to write more than enough less than accurate articles on the champions, the tournament and their personal lives. Harriet considered paying her prize money to an assassin so they would be rid of her.

The Quibbler rose in popularity significantly. Luna and Harriet celebrated by featuring a couple of thestrals.

Harriet gave her prize money to Fred and George for their planned joke shop. Jiyu wouldn't have wanted them to give up on their dream and Harriet didn't want them to either. Telling them that earned a small smile from George and a sad grin from Fred.

Harriet received a bunch of dragon photos and a short letter with tales of the Romanian Reserve from Charlie almost every week. She thanked him greatly for those as they helped her through the mess of her feelings.

It took her a while to notice that he always offered to talk via floo if she needed or wanted to.

Harriet hadn't taken him up on the offer yet.

The last week at Hogwarts before the holidays was the usual chaos. Students raced around, searching for lost items, exchanging addresses and making plans.

The end of term feast was bittersweet. It was like saying goodbye for more than a few months and a final goodbye to Jiyu and Cassie. Not to mention everyone was still shaken by Dumbledore's death. Wether they couldn't believe he was dead or doubted that he was didn't matter. The shock sat deep in everyone's bones.

Draco Malfoy started investigating Cho Chang and Cedric Diggory's relationship. He was sure there was a love potion involved. Harriet told him it was probably mental and emotional abuse.

Blaise thought they were being ridiculous.

Hermione swore vengeance on the werewolf that bit Pansy. Harriet started a hitlist.

Ron Weasley was sworn into the Circlet. He was under very close scrutiny. Surprisingly to many, he actually seemed decent.

His younger sister, Ginny, made the decision to go to Beuxbatons. She felt like Hogwarts didn't suit her and wanted to go to school with her new friend Gabrielle.

Kings Cross station was once again packed with families when the students arrived. Everyone said their goodbyes and swarmed out to find their families. Ron took the opportunity to apologize to his and tell them the truth about the past few years. He was forgiven with many hugs.

Draco was happy to be back with his parents. As much as he loved his friends, he needed some time away from them to deal with everything that happened.

A week later the Circlet was formed in no. 12 Grimauld Place. It was an independent organisation of witches and wizards against the current looming threats.

Everyone had managed to stop Hermione from naming it the Battle Order Rising In New Greatness (B.O.R.I.N.G) or the Youth Uprising of Chivalry and Knowledge (Y.U.C.K).

It was Draco who had suggested the Circlet.
"You know, like the round table?" he had said shuffling awkwardly.

"Brilliant!" Harriet had said. "We'll take it."

Harriet decided to take the lead. It felt a bit like saying goodbye to her childhood.

The Year I Did Not Sign Up For! (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now