Champions of Hearts

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Cedric Diggory was deeply engrossed in an article about how the economy was failing miserably in the wizarding world, when his girlfriend came up to him.

Cho Chang was beautiful. Long raven-dark hair and eyes that seemed a different shade of brown every day. In the sunlight, they looked like liquid amber.

"You know people will think you're insane for reading that?" she asked him.

"It's not that bad, Cho, it's-"

"A madmans magazine." She shook her head at him. "You're the Hogwarts champion! You can't be seen reading that."


"Just put it away."

He sighed and stowed the magazine in his bag. "Fine. You know there's more than one champion in Hogwarts, right?"

"You mean Harriet?" Cho laughed. "No. She- look, not many people like her right now. So you're the one representing the school."

"I don't think-"

"Just listen to me," she said, sounding annoyed. "Popularity matters. Try not to spend as much time with her, okay? She'll only drag you down."

Cedric wanted to protest, but Cho didn't seem like she would be alright with him arguing today. He hung his head. "Okay. Sorry."

"Thank you." She rubbed his arms. "You know I'm only worried about you, right?"

"Yeah, sorry."

"It's okay. How about lunch?"

"Lunch sounds good."

Harriet had her head stuck in her dragonese book, while shoveling pasta into her mouth. There were at least three stay-clean charms on the tome of ancient knowledge.

"How's it going?" Pansy asked, plopping into the seat opposite her.

Harriet muttered a response.

"Okay," she shrugged. "So, I don't want to alarm you, but Seamus thinks you're cute."

Harriet choked on her food. "What?" she wheezed.

"Seaumus Finnigan thinks you're cute."

"You just said that! I mean, what?"

"He probably likes you!"

"I'm a very friendly person."

"Not like that!"

Harriet looked utterly confused. "How then?"

"Like he wants to date you!"

Harriet dissolved into laughter. It was slowly beginning to border on hysterical. "Good one!"

"No, seriously-"

More laughter. "Sirius-ly."

"Oh, come on! This is serio- important. This is important!"

"I'm literally going to be eaten by a dragon and you're worried about my love life. Trying to make sure I die happy?"

"You won't need to worry about the dragon if you don't knock it off."

"Okay, okay. I'm my godfather."

Pansy face-palmed. Harriet grinned.

"Why am I friends with you?" Pansy groaned into her palms.

"Because I'm amazing and my life is never boring!"

"I sometimes wish it was."

Harriet scoffed. "Rude."

"Nevermind! Thoughts?"

"On what?"

"Seamus Finnigan!"


"Did you not hear me saying he likes you?"

"Did you not hear me say that I might die?"

"What does that have to do with it?"

"What are you two talking about?" Draco asked, sitting down.

"Nothing!" Pansy said quickly.

"Pansy is convinced that a guy likes me." Harriet rolled her eyes.

"Ooh, who?" he asked, suddenly interested.

"Seamus Finnigan."

"Oh, he's kinda cute. I'd say go for it."

"Why is everyone so concerned about me dating?" Harriet looked lost.

"Well, we want to see you happy." Pansy smiled.

"Not to mention it works well for your image and the press," Draco pointed out, helping himself to the food.


"What? It's true!"

"Fine." Pansy looked back at Harriet. "We think you should start dating someone."

"But if it's only for press..." She looked unsure.

"It won't be. We're sure he's your type." Pansy said.

Harriet frowned. "I don't think I ever mentioned-"

"Doesn't matter. Just do it for your sake."

"Would you date your crushes for press?"

"Well, no, but - This isn't about us!" Draco said dismissively.

He focused on his food suddenly. Pansy sighed and picked at her meal.

"You two are way too concerned with this stuff," Harriet shook her head. "Have you considered leaving other people's business alone?"

The other two shook their heads. It was like they were being scolded.

Harriet huffed a laugh and grabbed her meal, heading over to the Ravenclaw table. She sat down opposite a girl with light blonde hair and radish earrings.

"Who's that?" Draco asked Pansy.

"Luna Lovegood." Pansy replied. "Her dad's the editor in chief of the Quibbler."

"And why is Harriet sitting with her?"

"Apparently, she is now a shareholder and Luna is the one conducting most of the interviews with her." Pansy shrugged. "After that Skeeter article, I can't blame her for taking precautions."

"What Skeeter article?"

"You don't read the Daily Prophet, do you?"

Draco shook his head. "Nope, been reading the Quibbler since last year."

Pansy sighed and went back to eating. Was she the only one who bothered to read the prophet anymore?

Thoughts, feelings, comments?

Thank you for being so lovely!

XOXO, Drachma

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