Plot Away

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The Champions and the circlet spent the next few weeks with their noses in books, desperately trying to find the Iris Pendant. Tom hadn't been mad when he had found out about more people joining in on the fun. However, he had warned Harriet to proceed with caution. This was a task that needed to be done properly. There were people's souls at stake!

Harriet hadn't mentioned that they were planning to destroy the pendant. Perhaps she could make it seem like an accident?

Meanwhile, Harriet and Seamus had been going on the occasional date. Charlie had been happy for them when Harriet had told him that she had a boyfriend - she thought. He also mentioned (about a dozen times) that he would much rather talk about dragons. Harriet had no objections against doing that. Dragons were so cool! It was easier talking about them as well.

More often than not, Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall had been hovering around the student group that always got into trouble (Harriet and her friends) and the champions. It was almost like they were worried someone was going to jump out behind the bushes and try to kill them which, all things considered, was actually rather likely. Typical Hogwarts hazards.

Jiyu had been making sure everyone didn't overwork themselves. Especially Harriet, who was trying to take her Ordinary Wizarding Level exams half a year early. She had decided that during the Christmas Holidays without anyone noticing. She wouldn't tell anyone why and when they tried to pry, she shut down completely. No one was getting anything out of her. After a good talking to from Jiyu, they gave up asking. If Harriet wanted to share, she would. If not, too bad.

All in all, everyone was stressing themselves out.

Surprisingly, it was Crabbe and Goyle who found out exactly where the Pendant was located. More or less anyway. Crabbe's father was a private treasure hunter and had been sent to find the pendant at some point throughout his career. The hunt had been called off shortly after he had been able to locate it, he had told a very interested Vincent Crabbe over the Easter holidays, words slurring slightly from firewhisky. He had been able to Narrow it down to Wicklow National Park near Dublin. A place where werewolves thrived.

This confirmed the suspicions that had already been in place.

"Okay." Harriet sat down in a nearby chair and scanned the others in the group. "Anyone know how big this park is?"

"220 square kilometres, with an elevation of about 900 metres." Seamus answered her question from where he was sitting on the windowsill of the abandoned Classroom. He raised an eyebrow from behind the tourist pamphlet. "Big place."

"How are we supposed to search 220 square Kilometers?" Hermione asked incredulously.

"We narrow it down even further and go hiking?" Draco suggested helplessly.

"We could use the air." Krum pointed out.

"And there's a four point spell that tells us where North is and a location spell to help us track the pendant." Pansy added.

The question is, how do we get there? With brooms?" Pansy asked sounding less than enthusiastic about the prospect.

"Wiz a portkey and ze floo." Fleur smiled. "Zer 'as to be a fireplace in ze nearest town and ve can charm ze tri wizard cup to be a portkey. It vill be in ze centre of ze maze in ze zird task. All ve champions need to do is get to ze middle. 'Arriet 'as already made a plan."

"A tracking charm on the cup would be a good idea aswell then," Cassie said," As for the fireplace from here to Ireland, use one in Hogsmeade. Their not tracked like the ones here."

"There's one in the cellar of Honeydukes. I'd say use that." George yawned from his seat.

"Oh and bring a pair of gloves each. The air gets chilly when you're flying fast." Fred told them.

"Especially if you're over 900 metres above sea level." Harriet added.

"And don't forget the brooms!" Both twins chorused, getting up.

"Ok, 24th May, we're doing this!" Theo said leaping up from his seat.

"If anyone snitches, I am going to kill them!" Jiyu said in lieu of goodbye.

"Hope and pray she gets to you first." Harriet said, when everyone looked at her questioningly.

As usual the students left the room in twos and threes, a few minutes apart so they didn't arouse suspicion.

Late that night, two teenagers sat in a dark room with an old man. They were talking about the cause again.

"They need to be stopped!" The old man snarled, "Or everything we have worked for will be for nothing."

"We'll do our best." The red headed boy said.

"I need more!" the old man glared.

"Don't worry sir," the girl smirked, "We won't let you down."

"Good." The man leaned back in his seat, a terrifying glint in his eye.

The boy shifted uncomfortably. He didn't like the way the plan was going. But if he didn't go along with it... He couldn't think about that. Being mean to the 'chosen one' and pushing away his family so they wouldn't get hurt was one thing, but what the old man was asking... no, he couldn't. But he had to.

The boy didn't sleep at all that night. He stayed awake, his mind going crazy over the situation. He couldn't go on like this. What the old man was asking was too much. He had to make sure the plan didn't work and make sure their opponents plan succeeded. There was no other way.

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