Bonus 2. Liquid Dream

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Maybe the desert increases the meaning of the story even more...Haru stated, putting the book aside, stretching out, reaching for the bottle of water and emptying it all at once. How so? Rin asked. He was excited about Haru's different way of perceiving everything.

It's a dry place, it needs water, water is watering everything to grow. Sigh! I like the concept of the Soul of the World. This statement was quite unusual about Haru. It seems the book was already working inside him, though, Haru was the only person who maybe won't need this story for he was already „there"; Rin thought.

Ya. Me too. I felt he's describing You sometimes, the earning for being free... and also – that legendary quote: when you want something, the whole universe conspires to help you get it;

Haru nodded – yes, and this is so you, Rin!

Rin moved between his legs - and so you; - starting to stroke Haru's sensitive areas, aiming at him, his body sending heat waves over Haru. Hmm, also... to love without possessing or ownership over the one who we love; Haru said, closing his eyes, letting Rin do what he intended, fully relaxing in the pleasure state.

I'm trying to love you this way. Rin answered, kissing Haru gently. An hour later when they exhaled satisfied, close to fall asleep, Rin spoke a little more about the splendor of the desert.

He easily managed to change from sentimental to shameless. When you made that Iwatobi swim club movie, I really wanted to stay that day, it was very hard to play it cool, so I left quite soon, to my relief, but I wanted to stay, to watch you in that outfit, and you stared at me like this, whoa ... when I said good by ... your eyes ... whoa... Whoa! I can't tell you how often I did it, having this picture of you.

Whoa Rin! I was almost asleep, now I'm turned on. Haru buried his face in the pillow.

Eh? Hmm. My bad. May I help?

No. I have my methods.

Ah! Mackerel with ananas?! Best way to kill the lust. They started laughing.

I wish, I could have seen you in the outfit we had for you, Haru said.

I'll ask Nagisa... Rin had already started to text on his iPhone. Finished. Only seconds later the answer arrived: Rin-chan! Of course; Whatever you wish! I think your Haru-Chan has some boxes in his garage, if not, they're in your home. I remember Gou-Chan took some clothes.

Eh?! Rin laughed on this whole subject. Haru closed his eyes, turning aside, wanting to sleep. Rin cuddled up onto him. Haru felt Rin's excitement still beaming. Calm down... babe... he spoke teasingly. Rin chuckled. Yaaa ...yaaa, babe. He tried hard. After a while Haru sighed: What's with you? My group had a hard training. Are you not done? Rin kissed his shoulders. I am; it's just. The Alchemist is a mysterious story. After all, it's about searching a way and fulfilling ones' soul's desire. I read on google, a seldom planets and star constellation of Sirius and another one I forgot, is adding power on the fulfilling of wishes right now.


So...My wish is ...

The golden medal! Haru said in his cool Haru-manner; And a good sleep!

Correct. And... I wish to be in the desert with you, wearing those clothes, living through an adventure and sleeping with you in a magical oasis. Rin stated with a soft voice. Haru turned around, moving over Rin.

So be it! kissing him intensely. They stopped when they ran out of breath.

Now, please stop daring me. My body is off.

Hmm? I felt just now - you're potent. Haru gave him a meaningful look.

I'm stopping. My bad. Tomorrow, do me as hard as you wish.

Shut up! Haru turned away. - If you don't calm down, I'll go. It was a two-bed room.

I am calm. Rin moved aside, stuffing some blanket between them with a deep sigh out.

Sigh. Don't go so far, Haru called on him. Naturally Rin moved closer.

I don't believe in superstitious things. But your wish is pleasant. I wish for it too.

Ahem. I...   Eh, I

No, don't repeat it!

I love you, Haru.

Love you 2, good night, babe. Ever since the first time Rin had said it, while FaceTiming, Haru had made a running gag, of good nite babe, but he also admitted he meant it.

A fairytale ...

The following Story will be also published as a separate one. Right now I don't know how is it going to continue. It is a whole new level of understanding.

Thank You Kauro June 17, 2021

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