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Eighteen never seemed like an important number to me. All my friends made such a big deal out of it, like a number was the solution to all their problems. I never saw it that way. When I would turn 18 I would still be in high-school, live with my parents and work at the local supermarket in my free time.

Well, that was what I hoped would happen. But I guess I should've listend to my friends, turning 18 is a huge deal and comes with a lot of responsibility.


"I need to have a scan for her lungs, I wanna know what we are dealing with." I spoke swiftly to one of the nurses crowding the room.

"I'm on it." Was the quick reply I got but my focus was already back on the patients.

There had been a fire, 2 known victims, one in stable condition and one not doing so great.

"Do we have her medical record?" I asked while I checked her eyes for any signs of an consussion

"Yes I just got it. June Glassentown, female, 17 years old, no known allergies. Barely has an medical record. Only her shots are listed."

"Must be a really healty kid or we are missing information. " Patients rarely had an almost empty medical history.

"Probably has something to do with the fact that her dad is a doctor." The nurse spoke.

That wasn't something I wanted to hear. Being your own family's doctor isn't recommended because people give more unnecessary treatment.

I sighed and straighted myself. "No signs of a concussion or other head truama. Severe second degree burn on left shoudler blade, small burn wounds covering her hands and feet. Her lungs don't sound too good and her pulse in trough roof. But I'll wait for those scans until we make any decisions."

While I said those things to the nurses June suddenly started coughing. The kid had thankfully been unconscious the whole time but her body decided that it was time to feel the  pain she was in. Right before her pain medication would start working.

Her eyes shot open, a wide panicked look shot across her face.

Her hands immediately went for her oxygen mask that was helping her breathe.

"Easy kid, you're in the hostipal. We're making sure you're going to be okay. The mask is there to help you." I spoke to her as I put her oxygen mask back in place.

She relaxed a little once she took a proper look around the room but that panicked look never left her eyes.

Her hand reached for me, trying to hold my arm but falling due to her own exhausting.

"My...parents." She whispered. Her voice was hoarse and barely audible thanks to the smoke she inhaled.

"We'll talk about them later. Let's focus on you right now." I spoke gently as I guided her hand back on the bed.

She shook her head, which must've hurt by the way she grimaced.

"You need to call them. They are on a date." she whispered.

I looked her in the eyes.

"I will. Don't worry June, everything's going to be fine."

"How's my sister?" She said with more difficulty then before.

"She's here right now. I'm not too sure how she is doing but I do know that she is in stable condition."

She was quiet for a while. Deep down I knew I should probably say some comforting words to her but I doubt that she would even remember those.

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