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The thing that woke me up was unfortunately not an alarm but an intense pain in my shoulder that caused me to stop sleeping.

I slowy tried to sit up to stop myself from laying on my shoulder. Not that it really helped, the pain was still very much there.

The room was completely dark even though it was already morning. I squinted my eyes to look at the clock, it was around 8 in the morning.

My first idea was to wait until someone brought me breakfast to ask them for some pain meds but I soon realised I couldn't wait much longer. The pain was unbearable as it slowly started to creep from my shoudler to my enitre arm and back.

I pushed the nurses button and after only a minute a nurse entered my room.

"Everthing alright? Can I help with anything?"

"My shoulder hurts. Like really, really bad. I was just hoping if I could get some pain meds?"

She picked up my chart to read what kind of medication I was already on.

"Mmhh i see. Your doctor has changed your pain medication last night to a lower dose. I will page him to ask if we can give you something for your discomfort."

"Thank you."

Wonderful of Luke not to tell me that he changed my dose. I knew that I couldn't be on pain meds all the time but to have him lower it so soon seemed cruel.

I clenched my jaw as my shoulder flared up again. The small burns on my hands and feet also were starting to hurt but thankfully not as bad yet. I could hear my heart monitor beeping next to me as my heart started to beat faster in my chest.

It only took Luke a few minutes to arrive in my room. The nurse had opened my curtains in the meantime time so their was more light now.

"The nurse told me you weren't feeling to well." Luke spoke as he went on to check my vitals.

"My shoulder hurts really bad." I spoke to gritted teeth.

Luke gently put his fingers on my shoulder. He didn't even have to press down to make me feel a sharp pain. My quick and intense reaction to such a small touch made him immediately retract his hand with a concerned face.

"When did the pain start?"

"It woke me up which was around 30 minutes ago."

"Is your shoulder the only thing that hurts at the moment?"

I shook my head. "My hand and feet also hurt. My whole body just feels really uncomfortable."

He nodded and wrote something down in my chart. "I'll up your dose of pain just a little bit which will not take all the pain away but should make you feel a little more comfortable."

"Why can't you just me a fucking high dose?" I spat to him. The pain definitely made me not care about my attitude.

"Because it can intervene with your healing process. I also don't want your body to get used to a high dose of pain medication. When you came in last night you were giving morhine which isn't an option anymore at the moment."

I groaned. "Fine."

Luke handed the chart to the nurse and told her a few things but I was in too much pain to hear them.

"I'm sorry. I've should've been more patience with lowering your dose." He spoke as he sat down next to my bed.

I remained silent and closed my eyes. I didn't have the energy to say something nice so it was better to just be quiet.

"I'll back when your pain meds have kicked in. Get some rest for now."

Him leaving definitely wasn't what I wanted right now but I didn't dare to ask him to stay. I wasn't going  to be that pathetic patient who needs attentions all the time.

After a while the pain slowy started to become bearable. The pain definitely was still there but it didn't made want to trow myself out of the window anymore because I felt so bad.

I carefully sat up in bed and leaned my back against my pillows.

Last night Luke had explained to my how the tv worked so I finally had something to keep myself busy.

It only took two episodes of Rick and Morty until Luke entered my room again.

"Ahh I see we're feeling a bit better." He said with a smile.

"Much better than before. Still a dull pain but doesn't really bother me." I spoke as I turned the tv off.

After Luke wrote something down in my chart he sat down in the chair next to my bed.

"Molly we be discharged today."

"That's fast."

He nodded. "I wanted to talk to you about where's she's going to stay while you're still here."

"How much longer will I be here?" I aksed a bit worried. There was no in hell Molly was going to be taking away from me right now.

"Most likely two to three days. I want to get a consul with our plastic surgeon to see if your burn needs some extra treatment. Just to make sure your scare will heal in the most comfortable way. Also because your feet have some burns on them, you need to have as much bedrest as possible."

I nodded understandably. The longer I could be here, the more time I had to think about what I was going to do when I leave this place.

"She gets too stay with me right?"

"We could arrange that but there's another option I would like to dicuss."

"What's that?" I could hear my voice tremble when I asked that.

"Staying with us." A different voice suddenly spoke from the door.

I looked up and saw Calum standing in the doorway.

He smiled at me and went to sit next to Luke.

"Molly could spend a few days in our guest bedroom. She's a really sweet kid and we would be more then happy to take care of her for a few days."

"I don't know. I mean you guys are just her doctor's. You didn't sign up for this." I spoke to the both of them. This definitely was an unexpected option.

"We're offering because we want to." Luke said as he put his hand on my knee.

"I barely know you guys." I mumbled. Trying to find reasons to say no. I knew Molly was going to be a lot especially now that she knew what had happend to our parents.

"We'll bring Molly to the hospital with us during the day so you can still see her." Calum said.

After a minute of thinking about it I nodded. "If Molly wants to then I don't really see a reason to say no."

Both of the doctor's smiled at me when is said that. "Wonderful, I'll let Molly know as soon as possible." Calum spoke.

Luke's pager went off. His face immediately turned serious as he stood up. "I'm sorry June. My job is calling me. I'll see you soon."

Calum pager went off not even a second later. "Gotta run too but I'll talk to you soon!"

And like that I was alone again. I guess it was back to watching tv again. I wondered if my dad once was a doctor like Calum and Luke are now. He was a caring man but he seemed to serious to really comfort a patient. I'm happy not every docor is like him.

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