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Molly was sitting on my lap because June looked like she needed some space. I really felt for both of the girls, losing not only their home but also their parents.

"Can I stay with her tonight?" Molly asked me.

I looked to Luke for answers. We had discussed that Molly could stay in our guest room but we wouldn't do it without June's permission.

"I think June needs her rest Molly." Luke spoke softly as not to give the little one a meltdown.

"But I wanna stay with her. I don't want to be alone." She said as she tried to wiggle out of my hold.

I opened my mouth to try and calm her down but June spoke first.

"It's okay Molly. You won't be alone you'll get to stay with your doctor, right?" She looked as us for confirmation.

Molly looked up at me with confused eyes."If you want to you can stay at our house. We have a guest room."

"With a much better bed than the hostipal ones." Luke added with a smile.

June grabbed Molly's hand and nodded. The teen didn't need to do much more for Molly to take the offer.

"I'll like to stay with you guys as long as I can stay with Jume during the day."

Luke and I nodded. "Of course. I will take you to the hospital every morning." I said to her.

Molly put her arms up, wanting to be picked up from the bed.

Luke stayed a little longer with June while I got Molly ready to leave. The child's department in the hospital had given a fewclothes that she could use. Everything that Molly owned was burned and there was no way she would fit our clothing.

"Do you have a big house?" Molly asked as we waited for Luke in my car.

"It is but with all four of us it sometimes feels too small."

As I said that I suddenly realised that I forget to mention my other roommates.

"Four?" The little girl asked.

"Luke and I live with two other people. But don't worry Ashton and Michael are really nice people."

"Are they doctor's?"

"Yes they are. Just like me they work at this hostipal."

She nodded and went to look outside. Her silence made me a bit nervous.

"If you don't want to come with us you don't have to, you know that right?"

Her head turned around with a big smile on it.

"I wanna go with you."

That was exactly what I wanted to hear to feel a bit more comfortable with all this. Afterall we are just her doctor's and not her family. But it felt like that might change soon.

Luke entered the car and sat down in the driver's seat.

"You two ready to go?"

"Absolutely." Molly said excited.


It was around 6 in the morning when I woke up by someone entering my room. At home I always was a deep sleeper but in this place every little noise woke me up.

At first I thought it was just a nurse checking my vitals who had entered my room. However the man looked too familiar.

"You're early." I mumbled still half asleep when my brain finnaly realised it was Marc.

He kissed my cheek and sat down next to my bed. "I wanted to see you before I have to go to work.

Once Marc was seated he pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket.

"You shouldn't smoke here." I spoke as I saw him put one in his mouth.

He hesitated for a second before lighting his cigarette. "Don't worry it's only one. You want a drag?"

"No thank you. I think I've breathed in enough smoke this week."

My comment made him chuckle.

"How are you feeling? Like about your parents and stuff?" He asked as he tilted his head up to make sure the smoke wouldn't hit my face when he exhaled.

I shrugged. "I don't know. I think it just hasn't hit me yet."

"Don't take this the wrong way but you can finnaly live your life like you want to. No more parents to say no to you."

My eyes met hit. I never thought about it like that. My parents were always quite strict. No parties, no piercing, dyed hair and definitely no tattoos. Which was kinda a savior for me because i don't always think ahead.

"Sometimes it was good to have them say no." I spoke honestly.

He pushed my stray hairs out of my face. "I know it was."

Marc took a few more drags before he put his cigarette out.

I made space for him on the bed so he could sit next to me in bed. Marc made sure that he kept his shoes off the white sheets. His muscular arms wrapped themselves around my body. A sudden wave of comfort hit me as I felt my entire body relax.

Unfortunately we weren't left undisturbed for more than an hour.

We both startled awake when my doctor calmy opened the door. Clearly expecting me to be alone and asleep.

Luke made eye contact with Marc as confusing flew over his features.

He quickly collected himself and cleared his troat. The smile he previously had on his face disappeared into a serious frow.

"We usually don't allow visitors this early because patients need as much sleep as they can get."

"Don't worry I'll will be leaving soon. I just thought June could use some company after all that happend." Marc answered nonchalant.

"I've asked him to come so it's not his fault." I quickly added when Luke still looked way too serious for my comfort.

He sighed. "I'm not mad June. As your doctor your health is my priority so please don't make these early visits a habit."

His focus than turned to Marc. "You're more than welcome to stay the night if you wish to see June more. You're right, some company does her good but so does sleep."

Marc nodded. "I completely understand. I'll come back during visiting hours next time."

He slowly lifted himself out of my bed. "Love you. Take care." Marc spoke as he kissed my forehead.

"Bye, love you too." I said as he walked out of the room.

Luke simply gave him a nod. His expression remained serious until Marc had closed the door behind him.

"How's Molly?" I asked to break the tension  a little.

"She's probably still sleeping but she had a good time last night. We ate some pizza and watched inside out."

A smiled found his way on my face. It was good to hear that my sister wasn't completely breaking down.

"All your vitals look good." Luke commented as he closed my chart.

"I feel good too."

"Ashton will be here in an hour or so with Molly."

"Ashton?" I asked as worry suddenly clouded my face. I didn't want Molly to interact with complete strangers.

"Calum and I live with two other roommates. Micheal and Ashotn. Don't worry, both of them are docires and are good people."

I hesitantly nodded. This situation still didn't sit well with me but for now it was best for Molly. I just hoped she wouldn't get to attached and that these doctor's wouldn't get too much involved.

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