>!First day of third year!<

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❗️This book might contain some aot references/spoilers ❗️


Armin POV:

Beep beep beep!!

I groaned as my alarm went off. My eyes fluttered open. The sun leaked through my windows making dust particles visible. I swung my legs out of bed and, sat there for a moment. I heard a faint humming from the kitchen, I assumed it was Marco making us breakfast. My alarm finally stopped on its own so, I went to find a nice outfit for today. I chose black shorts,a grey t-shirt,and a thin jacket. When I finished changing I went to the kitchen to see what Marco was making.


"Morning Armin!"

The table was already set. There was bacon and eggs sitting there waiting to be eaten. Me and Marco sat down and started eating.

"Do you want to go see if Christa, Sasha and, their new roommate will walk with us or, do we just go without them?"

"Christa texted me and, said we can walk together. And their roommates name is Annie."


I started thinking about how we met. Christa and I are half siblings. We met Marco and Sasha because of dorm roommates. And today me and Marco are meeting Annie. While remembering the moments I let out a small laugh thinking about how Sasha brought a whole feast to the shared dorm. Soon enough I finished eating and, left my plate in the sink. I went to the bathroom to brush out any tangles in my hair and, brushed my teeth. Marco soon went in the bathroom after me. I went back to my room and slung my bag over my shoulder. I then slipped on my shoes and stood by the door waiting for Marco. Marco came back out ready to go. We walked to the elevator and when we got in we chose floor 2.

The elevator came to stop and, and the door opened. We got out and walked to room 207. Marco knocked on the door and, it flung open.

"HI!" Sasha yelled.

"Hi!" Me and Marco said back.

"Annie isn't ready yet so you guys can come in and wait."

"Oh ok thanks!"

We walked inside and, sat on their couch. It was clean except some food on the coffee table. We sat around for awhile before a girl with blonde hair and icy blue eyes walked out.

'That must be Annie.' I thought.

She was wearing a white hoodie and grey leggings. On the other hand Christa who was next to her wore a blush colored pleated skirt and a white long sleeve. We collected our things and left their dorm.

"Christa? What are you doing?"

"I can't close the door."

She struggled to close the door until Annie walked up to her and, slammed it shut.

"Oh thanks Annie!"

"No problem."

The two caught up to us and we walked to the elevator. The elevator went down to the lobby floor. The cold air of the lobby surrounded us. It was a clean room with a lady named Rico at the front desk. We said hello to her and left the dormitory building. It was hotter outside compared to the coolness of the lobby. The five of us walked on through the school courtyard passing many students and lush plants.

"Wow, Annie how are you wearing a hoodie in the middle of summer??" Christa questioned.

"I don't know. I have a shirt under this so I can take it off if I want."

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