•°Mikaannie side story°•

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Idk what this is 🤨

Mikasa POV:

Annie and I had been secretly dating for awhile now. I think the only person who knew was Marco but, that was on his own terms. Before his death he was the only one who knew.

Present time though; Annie is the female titan that massacred 1/4 of the scout legion. Not mention almost all of Stohess district. Her and Eren trashed the outlier district like nothing. Blood stained the streets and buildings. It was heartbreaking to me. I couldn't decide between Eren and basically everybody else or Annie. I watched as they ran towards the wall.

'The wall?'

It hit me then. She was trying to escape. I got lost in my thoughts with the titans battling in the background.

•Flashback and third person pov•

Annie dropped down from her cot in the one of the girls sleeping house. She walked out of the house, careful not to make the wood creak. She walked into the neighboring one and, looked for her significant other. When Annie figured out where she was she climbed up and, laid next to Mikasa. At first it was a bit awkward for her but, she wrapped her arms around Mikasa's torso and, fell back asleep. (Out of character writing 🤤)

•Next flashback•

Mikasa and Annie sat in the hospital room bandages on the table next to them. They had finished their fight which resulted into a tie. It could be summed up to them almost killing each other. Mikasa lifted her chin and, turned into slightly. She put a bandage on Annie's cheek. A light pink dusted Annie's cheeks.

•Next flashback•

Annie felt as if she was being followed while she was going to find Mikasa. She played it off as her imagination. She walked around the training camp still looking when she heard footsteps.

Annie looked around and called out Mikasa's name. She turned in her heel as she got to the edge of the camp. Annie sighed out of disappointment. As she walked back to the mess hall/cafeteria (Idk what it's called 💀) she bumped into Marco. 



Annie could hear him laugh but, ignored it. She saw Mikasa still eating with Eren and Armin. Annie sighed and sat back down.

•Final flashback•

It was the day before Mikasa's first expedition and, the scouts 57th. She sat quietly next to Armin who was talking to Jean. She was thinking about how she wouldn't be by Eren since he was with Levi squad. She drank the last of her water and head to her sleeping room. She changed out of her uniform leaving it on her dresser and, changed into a nightgown. She laid down on the normally uncomfortable cot but, today it was comfortable and warm. Soon enough Mikasa was asleep.

Next morning..

Mikasa woke up to yelling of some high rank. She jumped out of bed and quickly put on her uniform. Today was the 57th expedition where they would test to see how far they would get in the abandoned land of Wall Maria. When Mikasa arrived to the stables she started to prepare her horse. Suddenly she felt a tap on her arm. Mikasa spun around and saw a short blonde.



Out of nowhere Annie got on her tippy toes and kissed Mikasa cheek. (That was weird to write 🤔) 

"Don't die Ackermann." Annie mumbled before walking away.

Mikasa was surprised but, smiled and went back to preparing her horse.

•End of flashbacks•

Mikasa watched sadly as the titans climbed the wall.


Mikasa almost hesitated at the order but lodged her odm gear into a near by building and started flying towards the titans. Eren had grabbed Annie's ankle, slowing her down. Mikasa flew up to Annie's titan form and, sliced her fingers off. The giant titan began to fall.

It seemed as if time froze as the two stared at each other. Tears flooded Mikasa's eyes as she knew her lover would be done for. She bent down and kissed the beaten up titans nose.

"I'm sorry.." Was the last thing she said before pushing off the titan and hooking back onto the wall.

Tears fell from her eyes slowly as she watched Annie fall.

"Goodbye..my love..."

Word count: 715


Annie,Bertolt,Reiner=Government Marco=Marilyn Monroe. Sorry bad joke lol.

Hope you enjoyed!

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