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March 21st 2011

I walk into my seventh grade science class. Mrs.Monroe was already writing shit on the chalk board. I spot the first empty seat up front and I immediately sit there.

I take out my pencil and notebook and sit them flat on my desk. The classroom phone rings and the teacher goes to answer it.

Then Josue walks by my table and grabs my sunglasses. They were on my shirt since I had on a V-Neck.

"Can I have my glasses back? You play too much." I snapped.

Josue , Marcus , and Giovani play too much. They're the class clowns. They're constantly in trouble and to be honest I don't have time for their shit today.

Josue throws my glasses once I try to reach for them. Marcus catches them and they laugh.

"Catch them if you can Skyla !" Giovani shouts.

Giovani holds his hands up and catches them next.

"Can I please have my glasses back?" I asked. I really wanted to go tell Mrs.Monroe but she was in the hall speaking on the phone.

Giovani looks at me and throws the glasses. But this time no one catches them. They land on the floor with a loud thud and they break.

Mrs.Monroe comes flying in the room and noticed that me and Giovani was standing up. Josue and Marcus say they assess down real quick.

"I'm not even going to ask what is going on. You two can explain it to Mrs.Lynch." The teacher says.

My heart starts to thump. I never have been sent to the office before. This wasn't even my fault. It was theirs. I don't know why I would have to go. I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest. I never go to the office and I am scared what my mom will say. Scared or what the principle will say.

"Okayyyy Mrs.Monroe " Giovani says while laughing. Of course he thinks it's a joke. He gets in trouble everyday. But ME?! I am a good girl. I'm not made for this shit.

I feel my eyes water as I pack up my things and place them in my bag. I walk out the door with my head down , embarrassed. While Giovani moonwalks out making the class bust out in laughter.

We get into the hallway as I close the door.

"She is so dramatic. Like she be doing way tooo much yo!" Giovani said clearly talking to me. I didn't want to talk. I was scared , mad , and so what flustered. It was his fault. I got in trouble and my glasses are broken.

We walk down the stairs and down yet another hallway. He's looking on his phone with no care in the world. I stare at his phone since I don't have one. I wonder what it's like to have a cell phone.

We make our way to the office and walk inside. There's four chairs and I plop down in one. Giovani plops down in the one next to me. I wish he would fucking move to be honest.

Right when I get up to move seats , Mrs.Lynch opens the door. "Come on in."

We walk in and take a seat as she stares at us. I feel the tears coming. "I didn't even do anything " I blurted out.

"I grabbed her glasses and threw them and they broke." He said so nonchalant.

"And do you think that's okay? Now we have to call your mother." She said and he just shrugged.

"My glasses was on my shirt and -" she cut me off.

"Well technically that's not school appropriate and neither is your shirt."

I was taken back. I knew where this was going. For me to be 12 my boobs were bigger than most with me already being about a B cup. But that's not fair how my shirt is inappropriate on me but if a flat chested girl wore it , it's okay.

It felt as if she was blaming me for my glasses getting broken. Like if it wasn't on my shirt then they wouldn't have touched it. I was perplexed.

"Giovani we are going to call Skylas mom and you can apologize for breaking her glasses." She pulled out my file from her desk and found my moms number. She dialed it as Giovani just stared with a black expression. So did I. He had to call my mom? Like what.

"Hi, is this Maria? ... no no Skyla is alright ... well we had an incident and a young man had broke her glasses.... I am calling you to let you know they're both in the office ... I would like for him to apologize not only to skyla but to you as well.... okay... here he is..." Mrs.Lynch hands Giovani the phone and he mumbles, "I'm sorry". He gives the phone back to the principle and she chats some more to my mom.

He looks at me and I stare at his chunky face. He is a bit on the chunky side but his face was cute and he dressed decent. A striped polo shirt , jeans and some wheat timberlands on his face. The principle hangs up the phone.

"Skyla you are free to go to class, but I am giving you a write up for your dress code." I nod my head. I never had a write up before but I will settle with that. I was thinking the worst. I thought I was going to get suspended , lunch detention or even expelled! I know that's a bit dramatic but I literally worry so much.

"And for you Giovani , you will have lunch detention for the rest of the week, and now we will call your mother." He rolls his eyes and slouches back in his chair. Hs sucks his teeth.

"Giovani keep it up and we can make it two weeks of lunch detention. You're good to go Skyla." I get up from my seat and grab my navy blue Jansport bag off the ground. I sigh and look back at him. Who would've known this is just the beginning.

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