Trus Colors.

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Sunday June 9th~2018

   Me: Draco?
    Draco😌: Wassup

   Me:I will blow yo ass up on gta later .

  Draco😌: Whatever you say lil nigga.

  I laugh at the message. Me and Draco have gotten close. Like extremely close. We haven't hung out in person because I still date Angel and I feel like that would be inappropriate.

   I don't want to offend Angel. He was cool with me on FaceTime with Draco.  But I was being loyal. One hundred percent. Matter fact I was getting ready to go see Angel right now.

  Me: alright call you when I'm home. I'm going to see Angel.

Draco😌: alright

I locked my phone and put on my white crocs. I grabbed my car keys on my dresser and walked out of my room to the side door. "Ma I'm leaving. I'll be back later okay." I said.

  "Alright I'll be here." She replied never looking up from her computer. My mom is a social worker so she is probably doing some work. It's Sunday at 7 pm and she's doing work. I feel bad watching her work so much to provide. I work to provide for myself at some damn gas station. It's not what I want to do but they accommodate my school hours. I go to beauty school every weekday 8:30-4:00.

    It's tiring but I'm trying to juggle everything. Walking down the stairs and out the door I walk through the parking lot. The air is getting warmer and the sun is staying out longer. I absolutely love it.

    I unlock my car doors and slide on in and lock that shit. I don't play that. Ain't no one about to hop up in this bitch with me. I don't even have my pocket knife on me.

   I text Angel and tell him I'm on the way to pick him up. Me and Angel are going to go walking. I love to go walking.  So I'm glad he wanted to do it too. I start the car up and turn on some Fire and Desire by Drake. I blast the music as I pull off out of the parking lot.

     I pull up to Angel house and text him to come outside. He comes on out and gets in. "Hey." He says and leans over for a kiss. I lean back in and give him one. I pull off and go to the park that's five minutes away.

   "Where do I even park." I said.

  "Nigga over there." He says.

  I roll my eyes and park over there. I roll the windows up when he stops me.

  "Nah nah. Why you rolling them up?" He says.

  "So no one gets in my car or steals something while we go walking. Duh." I said unbuckling my seatbelt.

  "Nah how about we just chill in here." He says eyeing my legs.

  "Well I wanted to go walking. I already told you that." I said gettin slightly annoyed.

  "We can go walking. After." He says as he leans over kissing my bare shoulder since I have on a tank top.

I feel a tingle in my kitty. His kisses stop and I turn to look at him while he's already staring me down. The look in his eyes was full of lust. 

  I lean in and the kiss was rough but it was okay. We kept kissing when he grabbed my boob. And squeezed them. He massaged them and I let out a slight moan. His hands went lower and I immediately snapped out of it.
"No." I said.

"It's been three months. You're making me mad as fuck bro. Got me having blue balls and shit. Why do I have blue balls and I have a girlfriend ? That shit makes no sense yo." All I could do was stare at him in shocked.

Honestly something kept making me want to wait to have sex with him and now I know why. That comment was absolutely disgusting. That shit right there was ignorant. When a woman says no it means no. He was that mad we didn't have sex. Which makes me feel like that is his only priority. We don't go on any dates , we barely even go out. All we do is sit up in his room.

Now I feel my blood boiling and I know I'm about to set it the fuck off. This bitch ass nigga had me fucked up.

"Excuse me?" I said.

"You heard me. You're like playing childish ass games , I don't have time for that." He says.

"It's childish that I don't want to just fuck you? I want to feel a connection first before I just open my legs to you. If that's childish then I don't know what the fuck to tell you. Sex is important to me especially when in a relationship. I want it to mean something." I said. I know what y'all thinking. Well you fucked Aaron. I did. But I don't usually do that type of shit. Sex matters.

Sex maters so much I made Gerrod wait two years before taking my virginity.

"Sex is just sex. You trying to make it more than what it is. Sex is just something you do to have fun." He says.

I don't know why he thought that would change my mind. But It didn't. It actually made my coochie dry up like a desert.

"I thinks it time I drop your ass off." I say while starting the car back up.

"I mean I guess you should since you picked me up for no reason. I dead ass thought you wanted to fuck." He says.

"Well I don't know why you think I would want our first time to be in a car but okay." I pull out of the parking spot and head back to his house.

What a fucking asshole. Like I know his ass wasn't trying to peer pressure me into having sex with him. That shit is a hell no.

I pull up to his house and tell him to get out. He does and slams my car door so fucking hard I'm pretty sure he was trying to take it off.

How dare this nigga. I don't even bother cussing his ass out. I am absolutely disgusted and turned off by that shit. Maybe I was wrong for making him wait in his eyes. But his ass should never try to make someone feel guilty for not wanting to have sex.

"Bitch ass." I mumble as I pull off down the street. I put my right blinker on and head on home.

It's dead ass 8:30 pm and my night is ruined.

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