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I'm not really dead I just told the doctor to tell Lamont that I know it's killing him inside right now. But I had to do what I had to do in order to get myself together .

I know I've done some shit in the past that was pretty fucked up and I regret but some of it I don't .

I've always had troubles as a child . mainly because I was different from others and was some what antisocial .

I just needs to get away , to get myself together and find some peace with myself as a person and to figure out who i am as an individual .

But best believe when I get done with my whole finding myself shit I will come back for Tae and that's a fact .

I love him .. I'm in love with him, I didn't think this fake relationship that I had on my part that I would develop feelings but it just happened and I know he still loves that bitch Aaliyah but that how won't be in the picture for to long and then I can have Tae all to myself

Hopefully for the time being that I'm gone nothing changes to much .

I raced to his apartment and grabbed as much clothes as I could . I had to leave before he comes back .

I heard the door downstairs Unlock and close . I raise up the window and threw my bag out the window.

I seen him walking to his bedroom and when the coast was clear , I ran out the front door and grabbed my bag .

I ran and ran as far as my legs could possibly take me and I came to a near by train station .

"Excuse me can I get a ticket to Los Angeles please" I said while trying to catch my Breath

"Just one sweety " she asked me

"Yes ma'am " I told her.

" that will be 125 " she said .

I grabbed my wallet out and gave her the money and she handed me the ticket .

"Do you know how long it should take " I asked while pulling my bag up on my shoulder .

"About 45 minutes or so " she said giving me a warm smile .

"Ok thank your " I told her and then mad my way to a near by bench .

I just sat in complete thoughts and I felt someone sit next to me so I didn't feel the need look so I Looked straight ahead .

"Train to Los Angeles is now boarding " the lady over the intercom said .

I gathered all my belongings and boarded the train after i showed them my ticket .


* Los Angeles , California *

I made it in about 3 days and it beautiful here . shit I may never go back to Atlanta .

I don't know where I'm going , so i caught a cab and they took me to the closet motel 6 they had .

"Can I get a room " I said as nicely as I can because it was hot as hell here .

"Yea and that will be $30 ma'am " he said while grabbing me a room key .

We exchange and I went to the room I was given .

" I guess tomorrow starts my journey " I said to no one in particular .

I got under the covers after changing my clothes and let sleep take over my body .



P.S : this will be the last pov for shayla In this book and justo remind you guys there is only 7 chapters left and they will be filled with lots of good and bad events until the end of the book

Until next time my loves 😘

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