14 pt.2

695 26 6


* Recap *

I rung the door bell and my hand instantly got sweaty . " oh my god maybe this isn't a good idea " I mumbled just as I was about to leave I heard the door unlocking .

I pushed Tristan behind me and look up to see . " hey tae " I said in a shaky voice .

Tae looked at me with a shocked expression on his face . "h-hey Aaliyah " he said still shocked .

" bae who's at the door " a girl about 6'6 , long brown hair , and brown eyes said .

She was pretty but she looked like she had an attitude problem and my theory was proven correctly .

" who are you" she asked with a mug on her face . " Can I come in " I said while looking directly tae because I wasn't even going to entertain her foolishness and what's with people getting smart with me now a days .

" y-yea " he said while scratching the back of his neck . " so you just gon- " she started to say but was cut off by Lauren yelling at her from a distance .

" girl shut your rabbit looking ass up damn " she said highly irritated . "AALIYAH " she screamed once she seen me .

She engulfed me into a big hug . " Girl come in " she said while pushing that ninja turtle looking as girl out the way . I grabbed ahold of Tristan hand and walked in .

" Umm Aaliyah who's lil cutie is this " Lauren asked while starring at Tristan . " Umm he is my son " I said nervously while looking back at Lauren .

I could feel eyes burning into the side of my face . I could see tae with a mad expression on his face out the corner of my eye .

" Y-your son well who's the father " she asked with an eyebrow raised . " well that's what I came here to talk about so can we have a seat please " I said .

We all walked into the living room an we took a seat on the couch . I placed Tristan in my lap and began to speak .

" we'll like I said before I have a son and to answer your question Lauren u-umm T-tae is the father " I said while looking at everybody.

" For real aww I'm an auntie " Lauren said excitedly . " aww come here " Lauren cooed . Tristan was a hesitant at first but went to her .

" what's your name " she asked him while placing him on her lap . " twristan " he said and she laughed.

While they held there own conversation . I could see tae looking at me enraged . " Aaliyah can I talk to you NOW " he yelled at me .

I was hesitant but I went with him anyways . " why in the hell would you keep OUR son away from me Aaliyah huh " he said while getting in my face .

" Tae please calm down " I said

" Naw man fuck that I'm not gonna calm down you waited this long to tell me " he said wile pacing back and forth . " how long" he said .

" What " I asked confused . " I said how long " he spat bald coldly . " two years " I said .

" Two years Aaliyah ... TWO FUCKING YEARS man that's two years I ain't never gonna get back . Just answer this one question why " He said while pinning me against the wall.

" I was scared tae okay plus I didn't know if you was going to be there or not and I knew you wasn't ready for no child " I said with tears pouring out my eyes .

I've never seen him this mad and it's honestly scaring me at this point .

" Man I don't care Aaliyah that's my damn SEED and you shouldn't have kept him from me " he said while his eyes were piercing into my eyes

All I saw was rage and and sadness in his eyes and I knew I messed up bad .

I try to move from his hold he had against me . But that didn't work because he pushed me right back and punched at the wall right next to my face . Then he left and I slid down the was Crying my heart out .

" Aaliyah you okay baby" Lauren said while sitting next to me and grabbed me into a hug

" if I would hear known that this was going to happen I wouldn't have came but I knew he needed to know " i said while hiccuping .

" I know babe .. it'll be alright just give some time to calm down " she told me while pushing some f my hair back down .

" I think I'm going to leave is I will just talk to you tomorrow And make sir type of arrangement for you to spend some time with your nephew " I told her

" Ok " was all she said while she helped me up . we made our way back to the living room and I seen tae playing with Tristan . I didn't want to break up their father & son time but I knew we had to go .

" Come on Tristan " I semi-yelled while standing by the door . " otay mwommy " he said while running up to me .

I open the the door and about to Walsh out but I felt a slight tug on my arm .

I turned around to see tae standing there . " I wanna spend some time with him so how long you staying" . he asked I could tell he was still pissed but not as much .

" Just for a week but we will set up something " I told him while playing with my fingers .

After that he didn't say anything he just have me a head nod and walked off . I blew out a breath of frustration . " well that was harder than I thought " I said while making my way to the car so we could go back to the hotel .

" this is going to be a long week "


< Excuse Any Errors > 🈹

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