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" Today's the day " I mumbled to myself as I blew out a shaky breath . it's now or never I was finally going to tell tae about Tristan .

I woke around 7a.m so I could have enough time to get me and Tristan dressed . and to make sure everything was packed and ready to go.

" mwommy " Tristan said as he was pulling on my pants leg . " yes baby " I said while picking him up and walking downstairs to make us some breakfast.

" when am i gwoing to mweet my dwaddy " Tristan asked as I put him in his chair at the table .

" um soon baby soon " I said as I got him some orange juice while I made some eggs , pancakes , and bacon . " otay " he said while swinging his feet back and forth in his chair .

After eating breakfast I made Tristan take a bath . I put him in some khaki cargo shorts , white polo shirt , and the white Jordan's that just came out .

When I got done getting Tristan settled he fell asleep so I took that as my time to take a shower .

I wrapped the pink plush towel around my body and walked into my bedroom . I dresses similar to Tristan but instead of khaki shorts I wore some ripped up blue jean shorts with our matching shoes .

I pulled our last little piece of luggage into the car and went back to pick Tristan up off the couch .

I buckled him in and jogged to the other side and go in . " god this is going to be a long week " I said more to myself before I started the car .

We have been driving for about six hours and Tristan is getting restless . I pulled over to a near by hotel and went to get a room .

" Excuse me" I asked the lady sitting behind the counter popping her gum . " yes " she asked while popping her gum even louder and i was about two seconds from punching her in the damn face .

" Can I get a room " I said a little louder than expected but I didn't care she was pissing me off .

" yea one second " she she said with an eye roll " musty bitch " I mumbled while I waited for her to give me my room keys .

" here " she said as she pushed them into my face . " Thanks thot " I smirked while snatching the keys out of her hand " excuse m-" she spoke . " bye " I said sarcastically a I went to get my luggage and Tristan .

The next morning I woke and got ready to go to Lauren house since I know that everybody was going to be there especially tae .

" Wake up mommas baby " I cooed Into Tristan's ear . " Nwoo mwommy stwop " he said as he pushed my face away . I slightly giggled

" ooh I got something for him " I whispered before I started to tickle him senseless. " Aghh Nwoo Otay Mwommy I'm up . he giggled as I continued tickling him . " alright boy get up . " I said while throwing the covers back off him .

We got done showering in less that 30 minutes . I packed up our luggage and we went downstairs to return the room key . thank god that rude bitch from last night wasn't there .

~ Twenty Minutes Later ~

I rung the door bell and my hand instantly got sweaty . " oh my god maybe this isn't a good idea " I mumbled just as I was about to leave I heard the door unlocking .

I pushed Tristan behind me and look up to see . " hey tae " I said in a shaky voice .


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