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I'm playing both Rico and blue . I just want them for they money and that's it . I know all there plans so it's just easier for me to kill them off and take their money . the only truly person I've ever loved was Brian and he is one of the biggest drug lords In the ATL .

I just gotta get rid of his babymoma India . I know more than they probably think I do . I'm gonna get Brian back if it's the last thing I do .

I've been watching Brian and India for a while now . I've actually spoken to India before in mall . your see Brian was my first love and he just tossed me to the side like I was nothing and I ain't having that.

It broke my heart at first , then I wanted revenge , but now I just want him all to myself and it's gonna happen . I'm not gonna let anything come in-between that either .

" Tara " Rico yelled as he made his way into the living room . " what " I yelled back . " ugh I can't wit till this is over because I'm so done with this nigga " I mumbled to myself .

This dude really be In His feelings and stuff talking about how she so in love like boy bye I barley even like his ass ,

" hey babe " I put on a fake smile as I kissed his lips an sat back down on the couch .

I'm not gonna front Rico is fine as he'll but I'm just not attracted to him like that because I'm still Stuck on Brian. If I wasn't so stuck on Brian then maybe I would actually consider being with him but I'm not .

" babe did you hear me " Rico said . I turned to face him only to see him with this big ass smile on his face . I cringed inside . ugh why his he so damn happy . " now what you say babe" I said while laying my head in his chest .

A smirked came across my face . I slightly feel bad for playing him but then again I don't . I mean I'm just taken what I want and that's his and blues money .

Only thing that could possibly stop my plan from working is if one them found out and I know that wouldn't work out to much for me because I know i will be the one dead instead and I'm not letting that happen .

" what you thinking about " Rico asked while he leaned back against the couch . " oh umm nothing I'm just sleepy .. so I'm going to go ahead a go to be bed now " I said as I kissed him on the lips and made my way upstairs .

Short chapter I know bit as you can see there is a new character and she will show through out the book a little bit but not much .

I wanted to make the main focus on Tae and Aaliyah done they wasn't talked about that much in the first book but I will have some drama gong down for the rest of the crew.



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