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Lauren in MM above 👆

Lauren POV

I just got off work and a sister is tired as hell. I picked up briaunna from daycare and made my way on home .

I Walked into the house and made my way upstairs so I can tuck briaunna into her bed . I kissed her goodnight and went back downstairs. I went into the kitchen to see the light was on witch was weird because it was off when I made came through the door . " the hell " I said more to myself . I just shrugged my shoulder and went into the kitchen to get me a glass of wine .

I kept getting this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was going to happen or someone was in my house . I went upstairs to check up on Briunna. she was sound asleep in her bed so I closed the door and noticed that mines was wide open ." the fuck " I semi - yelled .

I was getting scared and pissed off at the same times like who keep playing these mind games on me. " let me call marquees " I said as I slid my hand into my pocket to get my phone.

The phone ranged at least 3 times before his ass picked up the phone ." marquees where your ass at " I yelled Into the phone . " I'm at the trap bae why what's wrong" .

I blew out a huge breath before I spoke " well for one I'm home alone with your daughter but any other time that's fine bit tonight not so fine . first it was the kitchen light being on after I came back from upstairs and then it's was my bedroom door open which I specially remember being close after I put briaunna down and went down stairs . I said all in one breath . " Ight bae well ill be home in a bit " .

O- what the fuck I said as I Felt myself being violently pushed down " shit " I hissesd as I felt the stinging sensation to the side of face . I turned around to come face to face with no other that " blue " I said I felt myself taking short and soft breaths . " miss me " he said as I scooted back against the wall and I could her marquees yelling at the other end of the phone .





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