The Fall Of Mandy

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Inside the state-of-the-art filming studios of 'Sprint Media Studios', Rodney Hines was sitting on his customary presenters' chair, on the main set of his fabulous show. The cameras in front of him were all ready to start filming live to television screens all across the country in just a few minutes and right now he was struggling to keep his composure. His main guest speaker for this evening was a right spoilt brat, bossing the entire crew around like mad and practically hectoring the producers into giving her as much screen-time as possible, with most of the cameras now set to focus on her instead of the presenter. If there was one thing Rodney Hines hated, it was a glory-hog.

"But seriously though," droned on Mandy as she settled back into the comfortable guest chair placed next to Hines, "the focus should really all be on me. After all, I am the one the public really wants to see."

"You don't say," muttered Hines, grinding his teeth in the process. He still had a headache from having to hear the recording of Mandy's song, which to him sounded like the wails of a cat being strangled by barbed wire. Hines had quickly developed a personal dislike towards Mandy and he was really beginning to hope that something would occur during this show that would utterly show this obnoxious girl up. He had no way of knowing at the time, but his wish was about to come true.

Hidden behind the main backdrop of the set was Jerry, who had disguised himself as a maintenance man and was intently taking in the whole scene for anything that might upset the girls' little operation. When Clover had explained the problem with Mandy to him, Jerry heartily agreed to loan the refuelled micro-sub to the girls, but only on the condition that he would be on hand to make sure that nothing went wrong and the girls would not be left in a perilous situation like Vomesa and Smalls were.

Satisfied that the time was right, Jerry carefully opened his hand, to reveal the miniaturised spy-sub in his palm. Inside the sub, the three girls were all seated at the controls and ready to put their little scheme into operation in order to expose Mandy for the fraud that she was.

"I think now's as good a time as any, girls," whispered Jerry into the microphone hidden inside his cap.

"Okay, Jerry. Wish us luck!" said Sam as she hit the thruster controls and set the micro-sub in motion. As the tiny vehicle began to rocket through the air, Alex punched a button which activated the craft's inbuilt cloaking device, rendering them invisible to the naked eye. That way, there was less danger of someone mistaking them for a fly and trying to swat them out of the sky.

Clover carefully steered the sub towards Mandy, her large taunting face growing increasing large before them, like something out of a horror movie. Trying to ignore the unpleasant visage before their eyes, the girls manoeuvred the micro-sub, until it discreetly hovered right inside Mandy's left nostril.

"Eww, that is so gross!" remarked Alex at the sight of Mandy's hairy and snot-covered nasal opening.

"Yeah, let's get this done already!" said Clover as she flicked a switch on the control panel. A second later, a vent opened up on the side of the sub and began to dispense a clear puff of smoke. This was Cyril Hearsay's truth serum and as it climbed its way up Mandy's nose, the vulgar girl suddenly began sneezing, unknowingly blowing the spy-sub away from her.

There was a tense few seconds as the spies struggled with the steering lever, but they managed to get the sub under control and quickly made their way back to Jerry, landing onto the palm of his outstretched hand.

"Man, do you think we gave her enough of the serum in time?" wondered Clover.

"We'll soon find out," said Sam. "Look, the show's starting!"

As the girls watched through their craft's main window, they could see the main lights dimming and the spotlights and cameras switching on as the show started broadcasting. In his seat, Rodney Hines put on a forced smile for his audience and began with the introductions.

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