Fantastic Voyage Much?

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As the spy-sub continued its rapid descent, there was a terrific jolt as the craft exited the syringe and entered Alex's vein. Fighting the terrific force of gravity pushing her into her seat, Clover moved her hand to the control panel and hit a button, which activated the sub's reverse thrusters. Within seconds, the submarine slowed its descent and the push of the g-force subsided.

"Phew, that's better," sighed Clover as she managed to get the vessel under control. "Now which way do we need to go, Sammy?"

Sam moved over to the sub's various monitors and examined the one depicting their current course of passage.

"Oops! We've taken a wrong turning!" she exclaimed. "The current of Alex's blood caused us to take the direction leading to her brain."

"Yuck, I don't want to have to fly around someone's brain again! Let's turn this bucket of bolts around and go back down the other way," said Clover. She was just starting to turn the sub around to head back up, when there was a red light among the controls that began to flash frantically and give off a frantic beeping sound.

"Oh great, now what?" asked Clover.

"It's the proximity alarm," said Sam as she checked the external monitors. "We've got a load of white blood cells heading our way!"

"Not again," grumbled Clover. "Don't these guys ever learn?"

She tried to swerve the sub out of the way, but the blood cells were surprisingly fast and quickly moved to intercept the mechanical intruder. Within seconds, one of the blood cells had managed to catch up with them and wrapped itself firmly around the tiny vessel. Clover quickly jabbed at the thruster controls to try and break free, but the blood cell had a firm grip and refused to let go of its prey.

"Oh, it's no use! This blood cell is a lot more determined than the one we encountered in Jerry's veins!" said Clover, gritting her teeth as she tried to pull the sub free from the giant glob attempting to consume them

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"Oh, it's no use! This blood cell is a lot more determined than the one we encountered in Jerry's veins!" said Clover, gritting her teeth as she tried to pull the sub free from the giant glob attempting to consume them. As she looked out of the window, she could see the other white blood cells getting nearer, surrounding them on all fronts.

"Well let's try out some of the new defences that Jerry had installed," said Sam frantically as she dashed over to the main controls. She quickly flipped a switch on the panel and the sub's inbuilt forcefields immediately generated a large electromagnetic pulse which blasted the blood cells away from them.


Back in the lab, Alex bolted upright on the couch with a cry as she felt the effects of the energy pulse.

"Ouch! My arm feels like it's just been stung by a bee! What's going on in there?" she complained.


"Nice going, Sammy," said Clover as they watched the disoriented blood cells float around them. "Now let's get out of here before round two starts!"

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