Revolting Developments

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"I know there's a major emergency going on and everything, but you'd think that Jim Band could at least have given me his phone number in return for saving his life," groused Clover as she slumped back dejectedly on the comfy sofa in West Coast Hall.

Alex looked up from the veterinary studies book she was reading. "Oh come... Hic! On, Clover. After all the missions we've been through, I thought you... Hic! Realised by now that office romances never work out. Hic!"

"Whoa, Alex! Are those hiccups really still bothering you?" asked Sam, a little concerned for her friend.

"Sorry, there's... Hic! Something stuck at the back of my throat and it... Hic! Keeps making me hiccup!"

"Well, hang on a sec. Let me give you a hand," said Clover. She went across to Alex and gave her a couple of strong pats on the back. Alex spluttered slightly and then she smiled in relief.

"Phew, that seems to have done the trick. Thanks Clover!"

"No prob," smiled Clover, but the smile quickly faded as she spotted an annoying figure heading their way. "Oh great, here comes Mandy again."

"Probably come to gloat about that song contest again," sighed Sam wearily as the bane of their lives strode over to them.

"Well, what are you wannabes up to? Reading up on how to be even bigger losers than you already are?" leered Mandy mockingly at the girls.

"Was there something specific you wanted, Mandy? Or did you just come here to carry on being the spoiled meanie you always have been?" muttered Alex crisply.

"As a matter of fact, I thought you losers would like to know that I am going to appearing on live television tomorrow evening, being interviewed by none other than the nationally famous tv host, Rodney Hines," crowed Mandy.

"WHAT?! You're appearing on 'The Rodney Hines Show'? But that's like the biggest chat show on the planet!" exclaimed Clover infuriatingly.

"Yes, the studio wants to interview me about what it's like being Malibu's new top singer, before they sign me up for promotional tours across the country. I just thought you three nobodies would like to tune in tomorrow to see a real winner in the limelight! Now if you'll excuse me, I need to practice for my interview. Later losers!"

And with that, Mandy walked briskly off, leaving three fuming spies sticking their tongues out at her.

"Can you believe her nerve?" groused Clover. "If she does manage to land all those contracts, she's going to be completely unbearable!"

"Totally! She'll spend the rest of the term boasting about her success and become even more obnoxious than before!" agreed Sam.

"And the worst part is, it should have been Tara's big break," fumed Alex. "There's got to be some way we can show everyone what a real cheat Mandy really is."

The girls pondered about this for a minute, then Clover's face lit up as an idea came to her.

"Hey, I've just remembered something! Didn't Jerry once say that he kept hold of some of Cyril Hearsay's truth serum in the gadget lab?" she asked in a hushed tone so that other students would not overhear.

"Yeah, Jerry thought it would be useful for obtaining evidence from criminals who are particularly hard to question," replied Sam. "Though the serum is only really used as a last resort, due to the ethnic problems it sometimes brings up."

"Hang on a second there, Clover. Are you suggesting that we give some of the serum to Mandy?" asked Alex, quickly catching on to her friend's idea.

"Well, why not? Mandy's spent her whole life lying and cheating to get what she wants. I think it's time she started being a bit more honest from now on," said Clover emphatically.

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