Chapter 2

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8 months ago

"Yaa Jin Ah, it is time you forget that crazy Tae Gu guy. It has been two months since both of you break up. Stop dwelling in the past" Hyo Jin talking to her friend who is was looking at the picture of hers and her ex-boyfriend.

Jin Ah and her boyfriend broke up 2 months ago, when she caught him cheating on her. To be clear, he was engaged to another woman. Her ex and her had a great relationship, but things started going downhill, when Jin Ah decided she wanted to be celibate. The reason behind her call for celibacy is because, her relationship with her ex went from having a lot of talks about the future to just having sex alone to satisfy their urges.

Meanwhile, she does not want to live like that anymore, she then decided to practise celibacy him. Expecting that will bring her and Tae Gu back to the moment of when all they just do is talk and plan a great future together. However, that did not help, it only makes them grow further apart. But she waited it out hoping that relationship will survive until she caught him with another lady. Her friend is right, how long does she have to dwell in the past. Especially when the person she is dwelling about already moved on.

"I know a club which just opened in Itaewon, lets go have fun" Hyo Jin suggested to her friend.

"Ok, I will go" she finally gives in, when she realised her friend is not giving up. They finally get dressed to the club. Night club is not Jin Ah's things, she has always been a home buddy, but she is willing to let go of the past and just have fun. "Yaa, that is too long" Hyo Jin disapproving her dress. She went in to take another cloth "Are you going to work?" Hyo Jin says while rolling her eyes. She went in to take another cloth which her friend Is finally okay with "Ok, this is okay" she finally gets an approval from her friend.

At the club

While Hyo Jin is having fun with her boyfriend on the dance floor, Jin Ah sat in a corner, as it is still uncomfortable for her. Instead, she keeps her time occupied browsing through her phone with her phone until a guy came to her space. "Sorry, these seats are reserved for my friends" Jin Ah says to the tall guy who is about to seat.

"Your friends are having fun on the dance floor, let me keep your company for now" the tall man responded, and he silently sat next to her. Jin Ah just let him have his way but quietly hoping Hyo Jin will come back as quick as possible to claim her seat.

The man sat there quietly also, drinking his wine, trying to think how to start a conversation with the person he is seating next to. But all logic failed him, so he just sat back, till she suddenly grabbed his hand. "Please pretend we are dating" she says in a hasty voice.

The amused man was confused as how fast they went from not talking to each other to pretending they are dating. "Why should I do that?" he asked

"Hi, Tae gu" Jin Ah greeted a man before them, without responding to the man next to her question. Tae Gu who was shocked seeing Jin Ah here uncharacteristically responded "I don't know you like clubbing".

Jin Ah smiled knowing he is probably regretting his decision given his unusual behaviour "My boyfriend brought me here" she caressed the tall guy arms sitting next to her. That was when the man realised what was going on.

Giving that he is quick witted, he quickly played along "Do you know him. Baby?" he says in response to Tae Gu

"Just a friend from the past" Jin Ah replied to the man. Tae Gu, who felt bitter seeing Jin Ah moving on could not take the sight he is seeing decide to excuse them.

Jin Ah thought about how she lived through her life as responsibly. She never had sex with any guy till she got to the graduating year at the university. Tae Gu was the only person that had had sex with her. She thought a perfect relationship is a reward for being responsible, but she was wrong. Her friend Hyo Jin was not a virgin when she met her boyfriend, but she is living her best life with her boyfriend.

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