Chapter 1: Chaos Zap-Orb Chaos

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Sonic was out on his usual run. Even though fighting Eggman is a tough job he does love feeling free like the wind. Sonic then saw Eggman passing by as he came to a stop.

"What's he up to now?" Sonic said as he smirked following after him.

Eggman was looking at his radar on his location searching for the missing Zap-Orb, while in his Eggmobile.

"The Zap-Orb should be around here somewhere." Eggman said.

Sonic dashed up to him as he called out his name.

"Eggman!" Sonic said as he caught up.

"Sonic?!" Eggman said as he saw his enemy. "Not that irritating hedgehog again!"

Sonic homing attacked Eggman as he crashed on the ground.

"You miss me?" Sonic said as he was in front of him.

"I don't have time for this." Eggman said as he tried to escape.

"Where do you think you're going?" Sonic said as he followed him.

Eggman saw that Sonic was still following him.

"Guess there's no way around it." Eggman said stopped his Egg-O-Matic Hovercraft. "Looks like I'll have to stop him myself."

Sonic skidded to a stop seeing that Eggman stopped and released out a giant buzz saw on a chain.

"Guess it's time for a fight." Sonic said as he was ready.

(// Boss Fight: Dr. Eggman; Sonic Forces Egg Dragoon Battle //)

(End of battle)

Eggman's Eggmobile systems failed as it crashed to the ground. Sonic skidded to a stop seeing that Eggman's lost again.

"I believe the score is, what? 5 Years to zip?" Sonic said as he laughed.

"Grr! It wouldn't be a challenge to crush you here now anyway. I'll find a way to defeat you, sooner or later." Eggman said. "Just you wait."

"With what you do every time you try? It'll never work." Sonic said as he chuckled.

"I'll be back." Eggman said as he got his Eggmobile working again and got away.

Sonic saw Eggman leave as he was about to head back to Tails' place as he saw where Eggman crashed, a blue orb was sticking out in the dirt.

"Hmm? What's this?" Sonic said as he grabbed the orb and looked at it.

The blue orb also looked like a Chaos Emerald was inside of it.

"How did a Chaos Emerald get stuck in this thing?" Sonic thought to himself. "Maybe Tails can do something about it."

Sonic dashed back to Tails' workshop as fast as he could.

(At Tails' Workshop)

Tails was working on upgrading his emerald radar while Knuckles and Sonic's girlfriend Amy were playing a Splatoon 1v1 match. A knock came from the door.

"Come in." Tails said as Sonic came in.

"Tails, I got something to show you." Sonic said as he pulled out the blue orb he found earlier.

"Oh, hey Sonic." Tails said greeting his buddy.

"I found this after my fight with Egghead." Sonic said as he showed Tails the orb.

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