Chapter 3 - Revealed

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Hero's POV:

The hero team made it to the fake city and there seemed like there was nothing wrong with it, but little did they know what was waiting for them. Mina looked around studying her surroundings and asked, "So, where do you think Midoriya will be?"

Momo answered Mina's question, "We don't know, but let's start and look for him, right Bakugo?"

"Yeah, yeah. Do whatever, but when you find that shitty Deku, just beat him beat."

Teacher's POV:

All of the UA teachers were in the observing room to watch how the students would do and were expected to stay in the room until all 3 days were up, or when the event end. Nezu was sipping his tea while the teachers were making bets towards which team would win.

"I bet the hero team will win!" Midnight exclaimed.

Vlad King replied, "Isn't the outcome clear?"

"No it isn't. Young Midoriya hasn't given up yet and when there is the will power, there is always hope." All Might commented.

"So you are betting on Midoriya, All Might?" Asked Aizawa.

"Yes, I am"

Nezu joined into the conversation, "Yes, I also think that Midoriya is going to win."

All of the other teachers were confused why the intelligent chimera chose to place his bet on Midoriya, when he is outnumbered, but slowly their attention moved towards the hero's action of getting into the HQ.

Hero's POV:

Now everyone on the hero's team was moving towards there temporary home/HQ for the activity. Iida noticed that there was something in front of the door and it looked like a DVD. Iida picked it up and handed it to Todoroki.

"I found this in front of the door. What do we do with this?" Iida asked pointing to the DVD now in Todoroki's hand.

Mina snatched it from Todoroki and shouted, "Well there is only one thing we can do with it. We have to play it."

Mina quickly played the DVD on the TV in the HQ, but it was not what they were expecting. The DVD had a prerecording of Midoriya.

Midoriya slowly spoke with venom, "Hello heroes. I am Discord of the Misfits and this cities villain. I advise you to leave this place at once or suffer the consequences. But some people must be wondering why I am villain. Well shall I explain it to you? It's simple! It's because this society is so unfair and corrupt. Now, for my backstory, it all started when I turned 4. That was when my whole life changed!"

The heroes were on the edge of their seats wanting to know more about their classmate and fellow hero course student Izuku Midoriya, while Bakugo was panicking about what Midoriya was about to show and tell them.

Midoriya continued, "I was a late bloomer, so I was called quirkless until the start of the UA exam. So image how this twisted and horrible society treated me. Some people might think that society tried to protect me, but how wrong they were. People treated me like an outcast, a different race that was lower than them and a worthless, little DEKU. Right Kacchan?"

At the mention of his nickname, people turned towards Bakugo, who was still listening intently to the DVD that Midoriya had sent them.

"I was so weak in people's eyes like my mother, which didn't believe that I could be a hero and my childhood friend, who thought he was better than everyone and everyone was below him. No believed me and thought I was just a bug in their lives. Even All Might told me that I should give up on being a hero." Midoriya said while playing the scene of when All Might and himself on the roof top and All Might telling him to give up on his dreams because he was quirkless, "But in some realities All Might caught after me after trying to help someone who was getting attacked form a villain, saying that I could become a hero. After that he trained me after noticing that I have a late quirk blooming, but some other realities, he didn't and I became Discord. But that wasn't the only reason why I became a villain.

All of the hero teams members gasped at this. They didn't know what to think of the symbol of peace in that moment. They saw a prerecording of the symbol of peace, All Might, the number one hero crushing Midoriya's dreams.

Teacher's POV:

It was deadly silent, from the shock of All Might crushing Midoriya's dreams like it was nothing. All Might broke the silence with the comment, "It's scary of how close Discord could have been formed."

"What do you mean, All Might? Explain!" Aizawa shouted after hearing that his own student had his own dreams crushed by the person he aspired to be.

"Well, it is exactly how you heard it, but in this realty, I was able to meet young Midoriya again and train him 10 months before the entrance exam." All Might explained.

Nezu spoke, "And I am glad you did. If you didn't he could have went down the path of chaos and then the world as we know it would be gone."

"What do you mean Nezu?" Asked Snipe.

"You will find out during this activity, Snipe." Answered Nezu.

Hero's POV:

The video of Midoriya continued, "Well, now another reason why I walk on this path of chaos is because of school. Bullies physically and mentally tormented. The teacher would turn a blind eye and quirks were used on my, like I was some kind of dummy. But there was one person who always bullied me and encouraged others to do the same. He even told me to take a swan dive over a roof and pray for a quirk in my next life." Midoriya laughed manically and at the last part he had such a cold and demonic voice that made the heroes shiver right down their spine.

"His name? Oh, I pretty sure that you all know him. He's the famous KATSUKI BAKUGO. Now shall we continue with the event? Also this video has been played through the city, but never mind that. Let the games begin!"

The DVD stopped playing and people turned towards Bakugo for answers, but he didn't pay any attention to it because he was still in shock of Midoriya calling him by his full name with a demonic and cold voice towards him. It was the first time that Midoriya called him by his full name.

Teacher's POV:

While teachers were watching the heroes HQ turn into chaos, some were frozen from all of the surprises that Midoriya had revealed and some felt pity for Midoriya now knowing his past.

"You know, this explains a lot about how he reacts to Bakugo and how he kept breaking his bones at the start of year when he used hid quirk. He couldn't control it." Midnight voiced out. 

"After hearing about his past, I think it would be better to have him have some sessions with me, so that he will be mentally alright." Hound dog suggested.

Nezu reassured the teachers, "Don't worry, All Might and I have had a talk with him and he seems to be fine for now, but you might need those sessions for other students when this is all over."

"What do you mean by that Nezu?" asked Recovery Girl.

"I have given Discord my permission to teach the heroes lessons through the brutal and cruel way of a hero's job. It is better to do it now than later, since while they are still in this school and, us, the teachers can help them overcome the trauma that might appear. Better now than later, since the LOV is still targeting Class 1A." Nezu responded.

"I see, I might have to save those sessions then." Hound dog concluded.

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