Chapter 8 - Overflowing Emotions

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Hero's POV:

Once morning hit, the heroes thought it was weird that Discord didn't cause any ruckus in the middle, but when Todoroki answered the door to Ectoplasm who asked to enter to retrieve the dead, but no one understood what he meant, until...

"AHHHHHHH!!!" They heard a scream from Kendo's room.

Everyone rushed into the room and saw Kodai dead on her bed. That's when they decided to check other rooms. They barged into Mina's room when she wasn't responding their calls and found her dead. They charged into Kirishima and Kaminari's room, when they also didn't respond and found them laying on their beds, also dead. Monoma's body was carried down but Tetsutetsu and Shiozaki did the same for Tsunotori. They collected all the 'dead' bodies and laid them out on the floor. The mood of the morning just went downhill and people were wondering how Discord could have even entered the building. Some were terrified of how they were at Discords mercy, but he choose not to kill them.


His blood was boiling. Deku had to pull off these stupid tricks to kill them off. He should have just faced everyone instead of being a wuss. In Kirishima's words 'doing it like a man'. The heroes walked towards the living room of the HQ, but written in blood like paint on the wall, were the words, 'Why didn't you save them?'

While the heroes were in a depressed mood, they were trying to calm Bakugo down and brighten up the mood, but there was another explosion. It was the last day, so all of the heroes decided to go altogether, not including Bakugo saying that he could handle 'shitty Deku' alone, but the others followed him to the explosion. They saw bots in the building and immediately went to work.

Bakugo was on lookout for Discord, while the remaining people from class 1B and Iida evocated the civilian bots to safety. Todoroki, Uraraka and Asui went into the building and rescued the civilian bots like how they did the other time they had to do it.

After taking all of the civilian bots away from the area, all the heroes gathered in front of the now, new frozen building, but they heard a gunshot and red paint on Tetsutetsu's forehead, notifying them that he was dead. They saw Discord standing in the middle of the road in front of them with a steaming gun in his hands while smirking.

Midoriya's POV:

I blew up another building, so I could get all the remaining heroes separated and hunt them one by one again, or attack them while they are tired from rescuing the bots. I watched silently as they did their job. Once I saw that they were finished, I thought it would be a good time for me to tell Nezu about my plan.

I spoke through the intercom, "Nezu, I need permission to do 'that'."

"Of course." Was the answer I got from the intercom and I smirked knowing that I got the permission.

I walked casually towards the heroes, but they didn't seem to notice me, so I shot Tetsutetsu's head, since his quirk would be troubling in this situation. After the shot, it only took a few seconds to realize that I was there. They all got into their fighting positions, while Tetsutetsu backed away from the scene. I charged up my percentage use of my quirk to 35% and they dashed towards me at full speed.

'Dead' heroes' POV:

They had just heard Discord asking Nezu permission for something they didn't know about.

"Does anyone know what they're talking about?" asked Mina.

"Nope." The room said in unison.

They continued to stare at the screen and their eyes followed their killer that just shot Tetsutetsu.

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