Chapter 6 - No Rest

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Teacher's POV:

"Wow! Discord has killed 8 more people, leaving the number of heroes to 18!" Present Mic exclaimed.

Aizawa added, "I'm pretty sure problem child will get rid of all of them in this activity, by the looks of it. Am I correct Nezu?"

"Yes, you are, Aizawa! But I have to say, the heroes on patrol weren't really focusing on their jobs, Vlad King." Nezu spoke.

"Yes, I will change that once this is over." Vlad King agreed while nodding his head, "Also it seems that I really do need some sessions for the kids, Hound dog."

Hound dog nodded, "Yes, it is better for all of them to get it. You can just see the eastern heroes in despair after the grenade was thrown. Both civilian and heroes were killed. They are going to have trauma, since this might happen in reality as well."

"Well, that's the lesson of 'you can't save everyone', I guess." Snipe pointed out.

"Don't worry everyone! I am sure that Midoriya will teach them more lessons." Nezu said.

While the teachers were having a chat about the brutal way of how Discord killed 8 heroes, All Might was worrying about Midoriya's mental health.

Nezu then used the intercom that he had gave Midoriya before the activity and spoke through it. The teacher's and the 'dead' heroes could hear through it, but Nezu was the only one had could speak through it.

"Midoriya, I give you permission to take it up a notch."

"Of course, Nezu."

Midoriya's POV:

I headed to the hero's HQ to complete my objective, but all of a sudden I got a message from Nezu telling me that I could take it up a notch. I agreed and planned a lesson to teach when I reach the west of the city.

Once I made it to the HQ, I saw that no one was around, so I did what any other person might do. I entered through the front door. Once I pushed the door, I was disappointed that they didn't lock the door. I headed towards the control rooms and I hacked into their systems, shutting down traps and alarms. Since my objective was done, I headed out and saw the Todoroki's group approaching through the surveillance cameras of the city. I decided that I should kill Momo and Aoyama, leaving the others for later.

I exited the hero HQ and went on top of roof readying my guns. Once Todoroki and his group came up to the HQ, Discord immediately shot Aoyama and Momo in the head with the red paint bullets. The remaining members of the Todoroki's group faced towards me, but I quickly hopped away towards the west.

I reached the west side of the city and saw that the heroes were done with their mission, so I decided to teach a lesson. I grabbed some civilian bots and this didn't get unnoticed by the group of 6.

"Hey! Let those bots go Discord!" demanded Kendo.

I answered while pointing my guns, one at the heroes and one towards the hostages, "How about a no? They're my hostages, as you can see."

"Holding hostages are unmanly!" Tetsutetsu proclaimed.

I frowned but didn't say anything. There was silence for a few minutes, but it broke with my deal.

"Give me 2 heroes and I will let them go."

The heroes were shocked and turned to each other to discuss the problem at hand, but eventually they gave me a tied up Yanagi and Komori. How stupid. Heroes shouldn't surrender even if there are hostages. I mentally sighed and saw Yanagi and Komori heading towards me, while the rest of the group stood back.

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