Our secret Little affair

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Album's POV
I hate it. The site of them together. The touch of their hands. Rose didn't deserve someone like Scorpius. He was so kind and caring he always put others feelings before his own. But Rose she was quite the opposite, I could tell he didn't look happy with her. But he always put on a smile when she looked at him., but when she turned there ware utter unsatisfaction on his face. He didn't belong with her. He should've been with me. As obsessive as it sounds, it like we were meant to be and I'm not going to let Rose change that family or not I'm going to make Scorp Realize he belongs with me. he's mine. Only mine. He obviously wants to be with me he would bend over to try to tease me. It wasn't easy to ignore him while he was doing that but I can't say that I didn't like it.

Scorpius's POV
I cared for rose I did really but I wasn't in love with her. Some would describe me too nice for my own good and I sorta agree and this point, but when she confessed to me, I couldn't say no it would break her and not to mention she did it in public that would break her even more. So I said I felt the same way even though I didn't. I wasn't even straight! And it hurt me more that when I started dating rose albums distanced himself from me started avoiding me and ignore my texts and calls. I missed him. a lot. It was like and urge just to talk to him. Though i don't think he despises me. I think quite the opposite actually because I would catch he staring at my arse when he got the chance. So I thought I could tease him I would drop and item near him and bend over to show him my arse sometimes it would work and he would stare and other times he just ignored me. I wouldn't call what I was doing cheated but it was definitely something I would usually look down upon if I wasn't in the situation. But I don't really know how much more held be able to take one of my flex's is that I do have a big arse whether I'd like to admit it or not.

Album's POV

What a fucking tease. He thinks he could do that with no repercussions!? He was wrong. He will be shown wrong. I just need to find the perfect time to show him that he's wrong.

Scorpius's POV
I walked down the hall of Hogwarts with Rose by my side there was no one else in the hall considering they were all at lunch she told me to stay put while she went to the bathroom I happily agree and stayed were I was while I was waiting for her to return I felt a hand grab me with a tight grasp and cover my mouth. I let out muffled screams while I was being dragged somewhere. I finally stopped being dragged when I entered the Room of requirements. I turned around to see who was at fault for all this chaos. And to my surprise my eyes were met with a pair of emerald ones. It was Al.

Albus's POV
I stared into his silver eyes as he looked taken back. "what is wrong with you!!" The smaller boy shouted, A grim appeared on my face as I pinned him to the wall behind him with his arms over his  head. "The fact that I'm not with you is the main thing that wrong. But I'll fix that soon" I said looking his neck up and down analyzing my new canvas that I'll paint red and purple hickeys on.
"Al- stop.... Rose is waiting for me" Scorp said tries to wiggle his wrists out of my hands. "Scorp I know you want this, please... give this a chance." I said looking at him whole heartedly.

Scorpius's POV
he was right I did want this. I wanted it so bad. But it was wrong I'm not a cheated, I would never cheat on Rose. But on the other hand I never put myself first I should be able to do this thing for me and not worry about others I deserve this. And with split thought, I mashed my lips against closing the gap that consisted of only a few inches.

Albus's POV
Scorpius mashed our lips together as I let go of his wrists and put my available hands under his thigh lifting him up and putting him the the bed in the room of requirements. He let out soft moans through the kiss. As I broke apart the kiss for air. I traveled to his neck painting on my plate white canvas as he let out whimpers as I go. He moans as I reach in particular spot on his neck it was on his hyoid bone.
"Seems like someone Has a sensitive spot." I tease as I start the attack that arena. His moans getting louder and louder as more bruises start appearing on him. I backed a away from his neck and grab him from his collar when I shifted him up from the bed and put him in-front of it.

Scorpius's POV
"Strip." Albus said, I immediately complied and started striping,I started with my my green and silver tie then my light grey sweater vest then my white dress shirt and then my belt and lastly my pants leaving me just in my dark grey boxers. I watched Al's eyes as he looked me up and down. "You're...."Albus started but then paused to get another look. I started to feel self conscious at this point. I never really liked the way I looked. You could ask one thing I didn't like about myself and I could tell you hundreds of things I didn't like. But my thoughts were cut short when he finished his sentence saying. "Beautiful..." As he looked me in my eyes. I felt a small smirk grow on my face as he said that.
From that I got a small confidence boost and got on my knees in front of him and looked at the tent in his pants and then I started to unbuckle his belt. Once I undid his pants. I slowly pull down his boxers leading to his large member springing out. I looked up at him receiving back smirk on his face. I then took a hold of his member and licked a strip up it. I heard a low grunt from him in return, then I started to lick his tip is circles. Then Al took a fit full of my hair and pushed my head down, causes his tip to reach the back of my throat making me gag, he proceeded to face fuck me until he released into my mouth, I immediately swallowed his semen, and got up smashing my lips against his, giving him a taste of himself. He then pushed me on the bed once again pinning my arms over my head. "Prep?" He questioned? "No.." I replied, "are you sure trust me your going to need it." He insisted. "No.." I once again replied, he let out a low chuckle as he slid down my boxers and lined his member to entrance.
He looked up at me for consent and I gave him a nod of permission. Then he slowly entered me. A jolt of pain rose in me leading me to let out a pain filled gasp, "stop!" I said immediately, he stopped in his tracks. "Are you alright?" He asked worriedly, "yeah I just need a second..." I said taking a breathe and exhaling. "Told you, you we're going to need prep." He said. "Shut up, you can keep going." I replied. He continued to push into me, I dug my nails into his back in pain as his finally put his full length in me. "Are you sure your okay?" He ask again. "Yeah I just need a second to adjust." I said, slowly adjusting to his huge size. After a minute I told him to keep going. He slowly thrusted in and out of me, as the pain started to turn to pleasure, I let out small whimpers and moans as he started to pick up speed. He grabbed onto my hub as he started to pound into me. But he hit a certain spot that gave me pure epiphora, "uhm- Right there Al! Harder please!" I moaned out loud completely bottoming out as he repeated hit that same spot, letting out hard grunts each thrust.I let out sluttish moans as I felt a pool fill in my stomach. "Who do you belong to" Al grunted out, "You!" I Yelled in pleasure. "Who are you?" He said place a hand on my neck squeezing it, "Yours!" I say as he continued to pound into me mercilessly. "Fuck I'm close!" I say getting ready to release. "Cum for me." Al says tightening his grip on my neck, immediately after releasing along my stomach. Al continued to pound into my abused whole. "Al-" I whimpered out, "I know baby just wait I'm close" Al said picking up pace. Soon after releasing balls deep into me. He took his member out of me, provoking and feminine moan to escape my lips of lose of pleasure with semen leaking out of my bruised whole. He flopped on the side of me as I cuddled up to him laying my head on his chest. "Your mine." He whispered into my ear, "I'm yours" I replied leaving a kiss on his lips. It was our secret little affair.

(Finally that took a while to write. I think my smut write has approved compared to my first one.
Word count- 1658)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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