Pain before Pleasure (Smut⚠️)

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( warning- swearing, Smut,)

( And this is my first smut or anything like that so don't judge meh!!)

Me and Albus has been dating for a few months, we haven't told our parents yet but it'll be fine!

But one day my dad was going out of town for a week or two for business reason or whatever.
So I sent a letter to albus about it and said he can swing by if he wanted.

And a few hours after I sent him the letter I heard a knock at my door.

I went to get it and to my surprise I see Albus.

I actually didn't think he would show up.

And out of no were he said...

"I'm horny."

I was shocked.

Well that was unexpected.

I was about to say something until he walked into the manor, closed the door, and pinned me against a wall and just started kissing me.

After few seconds I melted into the kiss.

the kiss turned into a whole make out session after a few minutes.

He broke the kiss from lack of air and started sucking on my neck until he found my sweet spot and when he did I let out a soft moan.

He then started to continuously suck my sweet spot. Which made me moan more then before.

He then picked me up and carried me to my bedroom still sucking on my neck, I'm surprised he didn't trip on his way there.

Once we made it to the bedroom he laid me down on my bed and stopped sucking on my neck and went back to kissing me. He then started to take off his shirt and he started to unbutton mine.

When he got to my pants he broke the kiss.

"Are you ready?" he said asking for consent.

I was hesitant at first but I nodded in consent. He smiled and went back to kissing me while taking off my pants.

"Al." I said breaking the kiss.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"I- Uhh.... I'm a virgin..." I said embarrassed.

"It's alright I'll go easy on you" he said with a smirk.

I basically turned into a tomato at that point.

(Smut ⚠️ )

He then took my pants off and took off his revealing the huge bulge in his boxers

"Get on your knees." He said.

I did what I was told and got on my knees. He then took out his cock, it looked around 8 or 9 inches but I didn't mind. I don't have a gag reflex but my thoughts were interrupted when he shoved it in my mouth.

I caught on to what he wanted me to do so I started sucking it.


I did a few deep throats and after a few more sucks he finally released
Into my mouth. But I didn't know what to do i with it so I swallowed it.

"You ready?" Albus asked.

I nodded my head in consent.

He lined up to my entrance and when he went in I hissed from the pain.

"Do you want me to stop-" he asked.

"No it's alright."

He kept going, it hurts but It looked like he was enjoying it.

'Pain before pleasure,Pain before pleasure,' I kept repeating in my head until I started to feel pleasure.

I let out a few moans here and there.

"Har-Harder!" I said in between moans.

He did as I said and went faster.

"I'm gon-gonna cum!"

(Ewww (c" ತ,_ತ))

"F-Fuck!" Albus groaned out.

(I hate my life. 🥲)

After a few more thrusts I finally cumed.

Albus finished soon after.

(Smut Over⚠️.....Thank God TwT)

We flopped on the bed from exhaustion, "I love you Scorpius." I heard Albus say.

I was shocked to say the least but I returned his words, " I love you too Al."

But then I heard a familiar voice.

"For Merlin sakes Scorpius"

I quickly looked to see who it was.


(Meh friend -Awkward_Chipz- Helped me ALOT on this piece check her out she good at writing)

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