Kiss Me

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                ==Albus's POV==
I always teased scorpius I've done ever since first year and today was no different I saw him fidgeting with a bracelet, I took this as an opportunity to tease him so I walked up to him took it right out of his hands.
            ==Scorpius's POV==
I has standing near in the astronomy tower looking at my mother's bracelet she passed away during the summer I took her bracelet because that's the only thing I had left of her.

out if no were albus takes it right out of my hands!!

"That little bitch!" I thought to my self.

"Give it back!" I said reaching for it.
But he was taller than me but when we were younger I was obviously taller than albus but he's grown to be quite tall he's probably an inch taller but he still teases me about it.

"Give It back!" I said again still reaching it

"Ok I'll give you it back" He said

I was relieved until he smirk.
That damn smirk I always knew nothing good was going to come from it but I didn't expect what he was about to say.

"If you want it so bad.... Then Kiss me" He said with his devilish smirk still on his face.

              == Albus's POV==
"If you want it so bad.... Then Kiss me" I said

I knew he wasn't going to do, I looked at him, he looked like he was thinking. the poor kid I must have scared him-

My thoughts were interrupted by a pair of lips on mine it was scorpius's. I kissed back of course, then our mouth started to move in sync until after a few seconds he broke the kiss, he looked flustered his face was red as a tomato. I chuckled at this.

"Shut up and give me it back" he said finally grabbing it

" feisty, huh" I said teasing him again

"Git" He said under his breath.

"Ugh!! Get a room" said a girl named Karin she was in Ravenclaw she was one of Roses friends.

"Shut up and go read you fan fics or whatever that is" I said to her

"Oh I will... "she said as she walked away

              ==Scorpius's POV==
Once the girl left I heard the bell.

"Welp time to go shortie " Albus said,

"Don't call me shortie" I said but in reality I didn't mind it.

"And what are you going to do? Kiss me again" he said in a mocking tone

"maybe just maybe I will" I thought to myself  as we went to class.

( I added my friend -Awkward_Chipz-  As Karin sooo yeah imma probably update this book everyday with 1 one shot but that kinda it )

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