Chapter 9

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I just read Space Case by Stuart Gibbs, and it was fantastic. I read 2 of the 3 books for like 3 hours straight.

Chapter 9

King's Palace Hotel, Room 112

0415 hours

Everyone in the room held their breaths as Murray tried to come up with an excuse.

"Er- I was just trying to pick the lock." Said Murray "Brandon lost the key to his office and wanted me to open it for him."

Ali's face softened. "Oh, sorry about being suspicious. You can't trust anyone these days. I'll pick it for you."

I thought that was the lamest excuse anyone has ever made, but it worked anyhow. Ali then swiftly picked the lock and let Murray in, Murray thanked Ali and told him he would go find Brandon. But when Ali left Murray immediately closed and locked the door again (Even though most people could pick it at SKORPION.)

"Ok," he whispered, "I'm in." I could hear his voice shaking in fear. Although I couldn't judge him, I probably would too.

The room was a box room with 5 cabinets against a wall and a desk in the middle of the room with a computer on it. The desk was faced toward the door.

"I see you on the cameras, I need you to-"

He cut me off "Wait, what if Ali or Brandon sees the cameras?"

"Erica will delete the footage, but I need you to go find the files on Operation:UN. If there is a separate place for the files on the backup operation, use those."

Murray started to walk towards cabinets.

"Tell Murray to wear gloves!" Erica shouted behind me.

"Wear gloves," I repeated.

"I didn't bring any gloves!" Murray panicked.

"Just use something to cover your hands" I instructed

He found a piece of paper and put it over his hands, then he started searching the cabinets. After 10 minutes of searching-

"I found it!" Said Murray a little too loudly.

"Can you put it up to the camera?" I asked

"Where?" He asked

"Uh, "

Then Erica said it for me "To the top right of the cabinets"

Murray then got the chair behind the table, stood on it and showed each document carefully with his paper gloves. While Zoe and Erica took pictures of every file. Some of the files were censored however, but I noticed a trend on the documents anyway, and so did Murray.

"Hey!" He said "There's a lot on here that mentions some sort of audit log and an access history for something."

"I noticed that too" I said

"Me too" said Zoe

"And me " Agreed Mike

"We don't give a damn about who noticed, it's the fact that it's there that matters." Said Cyrus irritably .

"Well, I know that-" I started to say but Cyrus cut me off.

"I darn well know that, kid." He then spoke to Murray "Put the document back and we'll delete the camera footage once you get back."

"Ye, Yes sir" Answered Murray

I muted the call.

"Which other government buildings do you think SKORPION will be able to infiltrate?"

To that, Cyrus answered, "Just about every one."

"We should probably go to the Hall Of Great People first," said Erica "Part of it is public, it will be easier to infiltrate."

The rest of us all agreed, but not Cyrus.

"Do you really think SKORPION will put their base of operations there?"

I backed Erica up "We don't know what their plot is, so it could be something that could only work in there."

Cyrus thought about that for a second then suddenly said "Alright, lets go."

I wasn't surprised by this but the rest of my friends were.

"What?! Now?" said Mike, surprised.

"Yes now" said Cyrus.

We then all shuffled out of the hotel unwillingly into the cold outdoors. And just as if the day wasn't bad enough, a newspaper got carried by the wind and came smacking into my face.

Everyone but Cyrus laughed, even Erica.

"SHUSH" he said, we immediately all hushed up.

I took the newspaper off my face, it had someone about war. I can't read Chinese, and I didn't think it would be important to show anyone who did know Chinese either. This was probably the Chinese version of the tabloids.

We then got a private taxi (Rented by the shangs) and started towards the Hall Of Great People.

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