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Sunwoo sat at Namsan tower's light garden, chanting the girl's name again and again in order to not forget her

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Sunwoo sat at Namsan tower's light garden, chanting the girl's name again and again in order to not forget her.

Hana. Park Hana. Hana. Park Hana.

He continued to wait for hours, looking at every single person passing by trying to distinguish the girl from how he remembered her on his computer's screen. He waited patiently, trying to focus only on meeting up with the girl he thought about.

sangyeon hyung
brought your computer to the shop today, they said it was already too old so i hooked you up with a new one. they said they wouldn't be able to get all your files back but i hope you still enjoy your fresh new computer.

The boy read the text, losing his focus for a while. He texted for a few moments getting sidetracked by the situation with his computer. He worried about the files of the girl he saw last night, but now he realized that he couldn't remember her face.

"Fuck." He whispered to himself, trying not to bother the people who passed by him. But loud enough for the person who sat on the bench behind his.

Hana was there, from the moment he sat down. She listened as the boy memorized her name, chanting her name as if it was a spell he needed in order to remember her. She heard how desperately he was trying to hold on to the faint memories of her.

"Excuse me, but did you say Park Hana?" She asked the boy who had his head down, still figuring out who he was looking for.

"Yes." Sunwoo said going along with what she said, he remembered that he was looking for someone, but not who he was looking for. "Are you her?"

"No." Hana said as she made her way in front of
him, standing directly in front of him. "But she sent me here to meet someone, his name is Kim Sunwoo."

"That's me!" He said instantly looking up at the girl he failed to recognize. "I'm Kim Sunwoo, did Hana say anything about our meeting today?" His voice creaked with desperation.

"No, but she asked me to tell you something." Hana said as she tried to hold back her tears while looking at the boy who barely remembers her.

The sky slowly became darker, as if the sun was being covered by something as Hana started her sentence.

"Hana wanted me to tell you about how grateful she is to have met you. Again. You might have not remembered, but when you first hung out at the arcade after your last day of high school it was not the first time you and her went out together.

Both of you were together for a long time when you were both young. It all started when both of you starred as the sun and the moon in a school play. Acting as lovers, but eventually becoming one after the play was over.

Both of you were happy, but then everything changed and soon you forgot about her.

You moved on, and even met someone new. But when you broke up, Hana also felt as if her world was shaking."

Hana said it to the boy who looked at her without meaning, he usually had a warm loving gaze every time he looked towards her. But now, it was only a cold blank stare.

"When you two started dating in the summer, she felt hopeful like the sunrise rising during the first day of the year. Full of wishes and bright energy, something you always radiated when she was with you.

Loving you was easy. You were confident, bold, brave, strong, caring and warmhearted. She had no trouble falling in love with you. Unlike loving you, loving her was a mess. She was the complete opposite of you. But, you still loved her anyway. Because of that, she wanted to let you know that she will forever treasure your feelings for her, or the feelings you 'had'.

She is grateful for the time you spent with her and the effort you exerted to make her happy during the summer. You may not have remembered what went on during your summer, but she will remember it forever.

She wanted to say sorry to you. To how she troubled you and wasted your time. You have such a bright future ahead of you, with so much potential for your growth. She felt as if she wasted your time during the summer. How she made you wake up early instead of resting, making you go on dates that you wouldn't even remember in the long run, telling you every single detail about her that didn't even matter. She is truly sorry for all that."

Hana continued with a few tears escaping her eyes. Good thing the day became dark, almost pitch black to the point that they couldn't see each other even if they faced one another.

"Just like when you two were little, you were her sun. You who shined the brightest in her eyes. The one who helped her shine by herself. You were the sun to her, the moon.

But just like how your play ended, you two were never meant to be together. You two would chase one another, shifting back and forth from each other's touch. Missing every time you two shot your shot.

But she remembers the summer you spent together as an eclipse. A solar eclipse to which she was able to be aligned with you who shined brightest. The small encounter you had with her was the best thing that ever happened to her, her highest point.

But when she realized, how she was holding you back from shining upon other people. She realized that no matter how happy she was with you, you will never be able to become who you truly are. Because she will always block you from showing your full potential, she will always block you from shining every time she was around. Realizing this, was her lowest point.

So she wanted to say thank you, and sorry to you Sunwoo."

Hana finished as the sky slowly cleared up to reveal the sun again. A solar eclipse had passed as she finished talking about her feelings to the boy she loved the most.

And just like that, like how the solar eclipse ended, they also moved away from each other.

"Here." Hana put out another small envelope from her back pocket. "Hana wanted you to have this." She said before she walked away from the boy who stood still, confusedly holding the envelope.

He opened it to find a polaroid with the picture of the girl who he talked to just a few moments ago, labeled as

"Your moon, Park Hana."

Now, Sunwoo realized, but it was too late. How foolish and insensitive was he, he thought to himself as he rushed around the park looking for the girl who he just talked to. He was frantic, looking at almost every girl who passed by him.

"It was her." He whispered to himself as a faint vision of the girl flashed in his head as he searched through the park, not noticing the polaroid that got dragged off by the wind.

He was too busy to notice, only looking for the girl he remembered. The only girl that made him feel a certain way. The only girl that he actually loved.

And there she was, sitting inside the gazebo, looking at the view.

"I found you."

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