Umm okay?

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Shea woke up and was blinded by the sun coming through her window, as she sat up her head pounded, after her and Kiara drank 3 bottles of vodka she was definitely in for a hangover.

She looked to her side to see Kiara wasn't beside her so she put on a sweater, some Nike shorts and put her sunglasses on her head. She then walked out to the living room.

Kiara was sitting on the couch looking exhausted as ever, pope was sitting on the pull out couch and JJ and John b were on the porch.

"Hi" Shea said as she dragged her feet to the kitchen.

"Pretty bad hangover aye?" Pope asked with a smirk.

"Yup" Shea sighed, she grabbed some Tylenol and some water, after she took it she walked outside to the porch and waved at the boys, she then walked over to the hammock and laid down, put on her sunglasses and closed her eyes.

JJ sat on the couch watching her, he had been feeling guilty all night, he didn't know how to tell her that he got drunk and accidentally hooked up with someone at the party. He felt like shit and he didn't want to hurt her.

He felt even more guilty that he was sitting here next to John b acting like it never happened. He knew that John b would flip the fuck out if he found out JJ did that and he was scared that he would lose all of his friends. If he did he wouldn't have anyone and their would be nothing going for him.

He sighed and stood up, he walked over to the hammock and laid down beside Shea, she then moved herself so she had her head laying on his chest and their legs were tangled together.

"I'm exhausted" Shea said in a low tone.

"You look exhausted" he said, he couldn't keep his eyes off of her, every second his brain was telling him that he fucked up and he knew he did and he didn't know how to fix it.

"Can't believe we have school in 2 days, I'm not sure if I'm ready, I still need to get a new backpack since John b lit mine on fire" she said with a laugh.

She then moved her head so she could look at him but when she turned her head she noticed something on his neck.

"What's that" she said bringing her hand up to his chin and moving his head so she could get a better look.

Her stomach dropped, she looked at JJ with pleading eyes, "where did you get this hickey from" she asked quietly.

"Oh uh, that, that was from you, last night when I came home you were pretty clingy, you usually are when you're drunk" he lied, Shea furrowed her eyebrows and looked at the hickey again.

"I don't remember giving you that" she said, she sat up so she could cross her legs so he sat up and crossed his.

"Shea, you were really drunk, John b found 3 empty bottles of vodka this morning, that's probably why you don't remember" he said taking her hands in his. He felt terrible for lying but he couldn't lose her right now.

"Oh, um okay" she said, "you believe me right?" He asked.

She nodded her head and smiled, "yeah I believe you, don't worry, I know you would never cheat on me" she said.

She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his neck, he laid down pulling her on top of him and wrapped his arms around her waist.

His stomach was filled with nerves and he felt so shitty lying to her.

Shea noticed a change in JJ's behaviour towards her but she didn't wanna say anything cause she was probably just overthinking like usual. As she was sitting on the couch next to Kiara she couldn't get her mind off of it.

"Hey Kie?" Shea asked as she played with the rings on her fingers.

"Yeah?" She answered.

"Do you think JJ's been acting a little weird today?" Shea asked.

"A little but I can assume he's hungover like us" she said with a laugh.

"Yeah I guess you're right" Shea said with a sigh.

"Don't worry I'm sure your just overthinking" Kiara said.

Shea nodded and noticed that it was pitch black out, "tomorrow's our last day of summer so we should go out on the boat for the day" 

"Yes oh my god, I can't tell if I'm dreading or excited to go back to school on Monday" Kiara answered.

"Same, but I'm so glad we're at the same school this year" Shea smiled.

"Same, i couldn't go another year with those stupid rich kooks" Kiara rolled her eyes.

Shea giggled and stood up, "I'm gonna head to bed, when the boys come in tell JJ I'm in my room"

Kiara nodded and blew the girl a kiss, Shea winked and walked inside her room. She got dressed into a sports bra and some comfy pj shorts and flopped down onto her bed. She sat up and leaned against her bed frame and grabbed her phone from her side table.

About 10 minutes later JJ walked in and closed the door behind him, "hey baby" Shea said with a smile. He smiled and crawled beside her laying his head on the pillow. "Hey beautiful"

Shea put her phone down and stood up, she walked over to her door to lock it and then walked back over to her bed.

JJ watched as she crawled on top of him and straddled his waist.

"So I was thinking, since tomorrow's our last day of summer and we're gonna be busy with school we could have a little fun tonight" Shea smiled.

"Oh really?" He said bringing his hands to her waist.

"Yeah, but only if your down for it" she said.

"Of course I am" he said, she smiled and leaned down to kiss him.

JJ flopped down beside her and she immediately laid her head on his bare chest.

"I think we should drop out of school, then we could have more alone time" Shea joked.

"That's an amazing idea" JJ said.

"I love you JJ, like so much, I'm in love with you" she smiled placing a kiss on his chest.

JJ heart felt like it was being crushed, he knew that if he didn't say it she would be suspicious of him. "I love you too Shea, I love you" he said and kissed the top of her head.

She nuzzled in closer to him and felt so happy in his embrace thinking everything was amazing, but she still had yet to find out what JJ had done. 

Throughout them having sex all JJ could think about was how shitty he felt, he wanted to tell her so bad but he was so scared to lose her and he new he probably would, there was like a 10% out of 100% that he could get her back.
So I had time to write another part people, shits gonna go down soon!

Brothers Best Friend  // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now