First day, worst day Pt.2

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Shea and Kiara walked into the gym together and walked over to the stands so they could sit and wait till class started.

"What are you doing after school?" Shea asked.

"We'll John b and pope were gonna go get some groceries so I was gonna tag along, that gives you and JJ alone time" she wiggled her eyebrows, "if you know what I mean"

Shea laughed and noticed JJ standing in the corner with pope and John b. "I know what you mean, maybe" she smiled.

The gym teacher blew his whistle and Kiara and Shea ran over to meet with everyone else.

"Okay, first day of class we're gonna be starting off with basketball, now I would let you pick your own partners but I want everyone to get to know each other so I'll pick your partners" coach said.

He started naming off partners and everyone was passing the balls around, Kiara and pope got paired together and John b got paired with a boy from the lacrosse team. The coach then called JJs name and then sheas, they both smiled and walked up to each other.

"We'll isn't this fun" Shea smiled.

"Yeah, should I go easy or should I give you a challenge" he smirked.

"Hmm guess you didn't pay enough attention to me last year" she smirked and quickly grabbed the ball from him and started dribbling away from him.

He scoffed and ran after her, once they got to a net just for them they took turns shooting. Shea was a little short for this net so she found herself jumping a little when she threw the ball.

When she went to throw JJ came up behind her and put his hand on either side of ball, Shea got goosebumps as she felt his breathe on her neck.

"I'll help you babe" he said, she smiled and they shot it together.

"Aren't you so cute" she smiled turning around to kiss him after it went in.

"Hey Routledge!" The coach called, Shea pulled away from the kiss and looked towards the coach.

"Less kissing and more shooting, you have plenty of time for that after school" he yelled from across the gym. She blushed and JJ laughed.

"Even coach knows you can't get enough of me" he smirked.

"Apperently" she giggles.

They went back to shooting, and during class JJ was happy that they were spending time together but obviously he still felt so guilty.

What Shea didn't know was that the girl JJ had hooked up with was in their gym class, her name was Emily and the whole time she was watching and sending eye daggers at Shea as she watched them have fun.

She knew the gun wouldn't last though cause she planned on telling Shea everything.

School had gone great, other the JJ showing up late with a new beating, but other then that it went amazing. JJ and Shea walked out the doors together but Shea stopped.

"I think I left my math book in my locker, I'll be right back, don't go anywhere" she said leaving a kiss on his cheek.

She quickly went back inside and made her way to her locker, she opened it up and let out a sigh of relief when she found her math book. She grabbed it and then closed her locker, when she closed it she jumped when three girls stood there looking at her.

"Um hi?" Shea questioned.

"Hi, you're Shea right, I'm Emily and these are my friends, I know we've never talked or anything and your probably not gonna believe when I say this but I just wanted to let you know that me and you're boyfriend hooked up the other day" she smiled.

Shea gave her furrowed eyebrows and tightened her grip on her books.

"What are you talking about?" Shea asked.

"I assume he didn't tell you, but yeah, we hooked up at a party" she said with confidence.

"He wouldn't do that" Shea said with a little crack in her voice.

"Oh but he would, and it's really unfortunate for you but that was probably the best sex I've ever had, it really sent me over the edge when he was kissing my neck and then grinded into me out of no where" she laughed flipping her hair.

Sheas stomach dropped, she didn't wanna believe it but after what Emily said, she believed that it could be true, how would she know JJ does that unless it was true.

"Listen, I'm really sorry about this little incident, but if things don't work out tell JJ to come my way, I'm sure we can pick up where we left off" she smiled and walked away with the other 2 girls.

Shea didn't know what to do, how was she gonna talk to JJ about this. She felt a tear drop on her cheek so she quickly wiped it away. She took a deep breathe and walked back outside.

"Hey, you ready to head home?" He asked putting his arm around her shoulder.

"Yeah, let's go" she said softly.

They walked over to the van and Shea drove the 2 of them back to the chateau. Once they pulled up Shea slowly walked inside and watched as JJ flopped down on the couch.

"Who knew school could be so draining, maybe I'll just start to skip school again" he said with a chuckle.

"JJ?" She asked putting her bag down on the dining table.

"Yeah?" He said sitting up to look at her.

"Can we talk please, in my room?" She asked as she bit her nail.

"Uh yeah, sure" he said and stood up, Shea nodded and lead him to her room. She closed the door behind them and stood near her bed.

"So what's up?" He asked.

"Did you hook up with that Emily girl at the party?" She asked as she played with her rings.

JJs stomach dropped, how the hell did she find out?!

"JJ, just tell me the truth please, if you lie it will make everything worse and I just need the truth" she said with her voice cracking.

He wanted to speak but the words weren't coming out, he didn't know how to tell the best thing that's ever happened to him that he cheated on her, he looked down at the ground.

"Shea, I'm sorry....." he said softly.

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