An Average Day for Starbirth

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I rush around the streets, as an evolved Devoluter follows my tail, ignoring all other humans around it. I pass through alleys, move along rooftops, and even phase through buildings, which the Devoluter simply crashes through with no break. It roars loudly into the air as it gets closer, until I notice something in front, and smile.

Star: AHA! Your turn, sweetie!

I duck low, as a massive tentacle slams into the Devoluter's skull, forcing it back onto it's ass.

Veronica: Nice lead, Dad.

Star: Hey I was running for my life, gimme a break-

Veronica giggles, and turns to the Devoluter, it's skull cracked, but not at all broken. It looks up and growls, as Veronica begins reverting it's body to normal.

Star: You finish that up, I'll go chat with everyone el-

Rose suddenly bonks me on the head with her sword's bottom.

Star: OW- HEY-

Rose: Don't go doing something I'll have to castrate you for, Star.

I chuckle and ruffle Rose's hair, then go back to walking toward the Castle. As I get to the entrance, I find Percy and Comet chatting casually, with even a few hand movements being exchanged. I smile and walk inside to find everyone laughing and chatting. SMG4 is playing games with the crew on the couch, Infinite and Crystal are chatting in the kitchen as lunch is being made, and Luna talks to Laura, who is hugging Henry's side. Phantom whacks a peice of tech with a hammer, repairing it as Francis looks, confused as fuck to how it's working.

Star: Ah, an average day for everyone.

I stretch, and feel a hug from behind. I look back and smile.

Star: Hey there my lil fox~

Kira: Heya~ :3

Star: How are you?

Kira: Doing greatly!

Star: I'm still really happy things are mostly normal from a year ago. It's still odd that Veronica aged up 2 extra years as soon as all the shit ended-

Kira giggles and snuggles with me, smiling. I chuckle and remember something from the past. Something that Veronica will probably do today.


Veronica walks into the graveyard, holding Devoluter-infected flowers that thankfully don't infect anyone, but are pretty. She passes many old and new graves, eventually finding her mark at one certain grave. She smiles.

V: H-Heya, Devin... I-I'm sorry I couldn't come sooner... these flowers were hard to make, but it was worth it... huh?

No answer from the grave, etched with Devin's name. Cindy, the ghost, floats beside it, and looks up to V, shaking her head.

Cindy: His soul moved on to a special place. One that allows dead Heroes to live forever, no matter the situation.

V: ...

She places the flowers atop the grave, and smiles, with tears flowing down her cheeks.

V: I promise I'll live on for you, Devin... you helped us all...

Devin's grave still lays silent, as Veronica steps back, and ushers Cindy to follow her home. The two begin walking away, and head off to continue living their lives.


Hope relaxes in a warehouse, seeming to be annoyed at something, as she stares through a hole in the roof of it. As she lays there, a van is heard pulling into the place, with music exiting the windows.

Hope: ?

Three girls, and 4 guys exit the van, laughing and drinking. Hope lays low and watches, still confused at what these young adults are doing. They all are around her age, which makes her a bit more comfortable. Hope looks at her clothing real quick, just to make sure she's appropriate in this situation.

 Hope looks at her clothing real quick, just to make sure she's appropriate in this situation

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Hope: ...

She shrugs and looks down, noticing one of the guys seeing her.

Hope: OH-

Guy: Uhm... sup-

Hope hops down and everyone cocks their heads to her, confused. Then one of the girls giggles.

Girl: Hey, it's Hope, the grand daughter of the Deity of Existance.

Guy: Doesn't that guy fuck, like, everyone?

Girl2: Well she doesn't seem bad-

Hope: I'm not.

Guy: Well anyways, it's nice to meet you, Miss Hope.

Hope: Hey, you guys don't gotta be acting all high around me. I just want some friends, hehe.

They all turn to each other and smile, then the guy looks to Rose.

Dylan: I'm Dylan, that's Rachel, Kylie, Vera, Gerome, Fin, and Han.

Hope: Nice to meet you all, too!

Fin: Sup.

Gerome: Hehe.

Rachel: :p

Han: ... *mind: Dat ass tho-*

Kylie: Hey there!

Vera: H-Hi...

Dylan: We're just chilling right now, and drinking a bit. You wanna join?

Hope agrees, smiling, and sits with them all, happy to have finally found friends.

I'm back biches- :D
Chapters for this new book will be slow, but I'll be working them slowly out- But hope you enjoyed!

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