Mini Chapter - A Loss of Hope

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Luna sits in the Castle entrance hallway, convulsing slightly as a dark liquid pertrudes from her eyes slowly. She watches her vision go between red and normal, to blurry and normal. The discussions outside continue, but get blurry from her hearing as the seconds tick with her heartbeats. Everything goes normal immedietly when Veronica touches her shoulder, Clark and Raiko behind her.

V: Luna, you good?

Clark and Raiko help Luna, who is unresponsive and awake, up. Luna shakes her head no, and Veronica slightly hugs the wolfal. Luna gains a shiver and shoves Veronica back, grasping her head heavily while squinting and wincing as her hair and tail gain a slight, silver tinge. Her eyes emit the black substance again, and when she opens them, they go dark, with red, miniature eyes appearing. She lets her hands fall as the hair goes fully silver-ish, and sits up, her back crackling as she slowly arches back, with dark energy fuming between the free atoms in her systems. She stares toward Clark and Raiko, not smiling.

V: L-Luna...!?

Luna's kead swings forward, and she walks up, grabbing Veronica by the throat and pinning her to the wall. Veronica kicks and tries talking, only for her words to be stopped by her girlfriend's grasp.


Raiko suddenly pulls her hammer out, teary-eyed.

Clark: R-Raiko?

Raiko: ... That's not Luna...

Raiko goes to swing, but a tentacle comes from the ground, and pierces through the hammer, breaking part of it off and sending her back. An entity forms from the tentacle and sends another tentacle to Clark, knocking the wind out of him and sending him away. AT manifests, and chuckles.

AT: Piece of cake.

AT taps Luna's shoulder, and nods.

AT: It's time to go...

Veronica stares, helpless to save Luna. Luna turns to AT, nods back, and then back to Veronica. She gains a slight grimace, and tosses Veronica aside, letting her gain some breath. AT and Luna... well, the husk of Luna... walk toward the front door, as another entity manifests, and chuckles.

Genesis: Wow, been a long fucking while...

Veronica gasps, then coughs, still having to have her breath.

Genesis: Aaawwh... guess I should've waited a sec...~

Veronica leaps forward and swings a Netherite Sword she conjurs up toward Genesis... a sword that's blocked by Luna's sword.


Luna kicks Veronica back, and screams a mix of voices and harmful words, words that Veronica hears clearly.


Veronica grasps her mouth, speechless, and softly crying. Genesis laughs, and pats Luna's back, then continues walking out. As soon as AT opens the front door, everyone turns confused, then gasp and acknowledge Luna.

Phantom: ... Another one of these situations, eh?

AT teleports, and kicks Phantom to his knee, then rips the retracted wings out and off him.

Phantom: E-E-ERROR- Fuck!

He tries sweeping AT, but only has his shin dented.

AT: ... There was an attempt.

He smashes Phantom's leg with a stomp, and sends tendrils toward Henry, who is vulnurable. Henry dodges easily, but cannot attack, so he instead blocks with the ground. Uni and Lexi rush forward, Lexi tossing her scythe forward to try and slice any part of AT. Genesis teleports in front, a cracked and crooked smile staring into Lexi's form, scaring her a little. Something that makes Uni stop in her tracks for. The scythe is blocked and toss to the ground.

Uni: Lexi? LEXI!?

Genesis sends a blast of energy into Uni, launching her back without warning. Lexi looks back and calls her scythe back, rushing to help out.

Genesis: We need to go. We have what we need... we don't need him coming back.

I rush in front and begin attacking Genesis with bladed arms, getting blocked with the same intensity. Infinite heads to Veronica and tries reasoning with her while being slashed at.

Infinite: Luna! Stop! This isn't you!

Luna slices a part of Infinite's hair off.

Infinite: Wh-Why don't we just listen to Man Behind The Slaughter Memes? D:

Luna smirks slightly, and trips Infinite, then points to his neck with her sword.

Infinite: ;w;

Crystal doesn't attack, simply staring at AT. She watches him fight others, eventually seeing her while blocking Splendid's blade, and waving. Crystal shivers, and looks away, only to look back as Splendid is tossed into her.

Crystal: OOF!

Splendid: >:T

Veronica walks out with Clark and Raiko as they watch Genesis, Luna, and AT fight. An entity emerges from Crystal, and it looks back. A kiss is blown and then it flies back to the group.

Genesis: Who're you?

AT: A Remnant. I call her Chloe.

Chloe: Was in that milf for so looooong~ Why didn't we do this sooner~?

AT: Listen here, we're about to commit to our plan. I don't want any excess emotions, and that includes your lust.

Chloe: >:o

AT: Do you want me to reassemble your anatomy into a simple fucking atom?

Chloe stays silent instantly. They turn around to look at everyone, and watch them struggle to stand back up.

Chloe: ...

Genesis: =)

Luna: ...

AT: ... Heroes. I wish you all luck on your battle. This time, it'll be your last one, and ours.

Black vortexes erupt around them, and Raiko rushes to grab Luna, but is too late, leaping into the grass mere seconds after they dissapear.


Veronica and Clark walk over, and kneel beside Raiko, comforting her.

V: ... D-Dad...?

Star: What... Veronica?


Veronica is looking back, tears streaming down her cheeks. I look away to the others, Infinite angrily staring at me.

Star: ... It's the end. The final fight against Tar'urvant coming in...

V: ...

She looks down, and begins crying softly, curling up a bit.

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