Chapter One

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Chapter One- Hospital Gown (Day One)

You wouldn't expect it, but the silence is what woke me up.

It was quiet, uncomfortably quiet. My eyes cringed against the sickly yellow tint of the lights. I tried to recall where I was. Where was everyone? Why am I here? The car crash. I was rushing to work that day. I was late. Why was I late again? I stretched my legs and hesitantly touched the cold tile floor with the tip of my toes. I couldn't sleep the night before. A call woke me up. A client. I'm a psychologist.

I eased myself on my feet shocked by how quickly I fell onto the floor. When was the last time I stood on my own? My brown eyes, the color of earth and dark chocolate, scanned the room for a call button. A flash of red in the mostly cream and white room caught my attention. Using the bed frame, I pulled myself up. I was prepared for the wave of dizziness and spotted vision this time. Shakily I pressed the red button ready for all this confusion to be over.

A minute passed. 5 minutes. 10. I finally realized, no one is coming. The service in this hospital is appalling to say the least. I should go into the hallway to look for a doctor or a nurse even. Yet a different door calls my attention. It must lead to another patients room. First no one answers my call button and now I don't even have my own hospital room? Who allowed me to stay at such a cheap hospital?

I scoffed, startling myself at the sound of my own voice. Luckily, a cup of water was placed at my bed side. I gulped it down before I almost wished I didn't. The water was stale, taking on the metallic taste of the cup it was placed in. I dishearteningly placed the cup back down and took a step towards the door that would lead to the other patients room. It would be rude to intrude, but at this point I just wanted to see someone else. Maybe whoever was in there could help me get ahold of a doctor. I turned the knob. A woman with stringy black hair, her back turned to me, was fixated on the window.

Before I could even call out, her head whipped around. I could feel the water I had just drunk try to make its way back out. She leaped at me and I slammed the door shut in response. Whatever she was, it wasn't human anymore. Her face, if it could even be considered a face, was peeling off revealing decayed flesh. However dead she was, she had no problem pounding and snarling at the door I had just shut to separate us.

What was that? What could I use to block the door or at least defend myself? I scanned the room once more. Isn't there supposed to be one of those emergency hammers or ax thing here? This really is a low scale hospital. The bed I reminded myself. I slid towards the bed, I had to be quick in case she figures out how to turn the door knob. I pushed the bed against the door. My earlier dizziness gone and replaced with adrenaline. I had to get out of here. I ran to the window in the corner of my room. Two stories. Maybe I could survive the jump but I wouldn't get far with 2 broken legs.

I turned back to the door, the hallway. Maybe whatever my 'roommate' had is just the first of whatever was going on. Even I couldn't stay hopeful as I opened the door. The hospital was empty and debris covered. With no weapons and this hospital gown, I felt vulnerable. I heard footsteps to my left. Could it be another human? No, I couldn't take that risk. I took a sharp turn to my right and sprinted down the hallway until I found a set of stairs. I didn't bother to even keep an ear out in case I heard anything else, I was completely focused on just getting out of the hospital and most of the rooms were boarded anyways.

I found a step of stairs and raced down, luckily I ran into no one. Whatever creatures were in here, they must've been distracted by something else. I found the exit almost immediately in a fate of luck and ran out into the parking lot. The hard cement burned my feet but I could barely feel it.

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