Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight: Bestest Friends (Day Two)

I used the time I had while everyone was still settling in to ask Heather who everyone was. During that time I had Heather hold baby Luke once again while I went to fetch the pen and journal Ethan kept on his desk.

Ethan must've only found this journal recently, or he just didn't have the time to write. Either way. The journal only had a few entries that I haven't found the energy to read through yet. I don't think anyone knew about it either because Heather didn't hold any reaction besides curiosity when she saw the dark blue hard cover. I skipped a good ten pages before asking Heather to rerun through who was who. I ended up with a complete a list of everyone in the group.

Group List

• Eduardo

Adult group members (capable of runs)

Strong, fit members (best for runs)
• Aspen
•Heather :)
• Me

•Berlin (10)
•Leon (9)
Phoenix (7)
•Princesa (4)
•Alice (3)
•Luke ♡

I reviewed the list, there were 19 of us. Of the 19 of us, only 10 of us could technically go on runs. But according to Heather, Geoff is the closest thing we have to a doctor. And apparently Bill has a bad leg. And our married couple, Carmen and George, refused to go out on runs without the other. Which was unfortunate because as Heather tells me, those two can't work with eachother to save their lives. They're both too stubborn. That leaves us with six capable runners. Berlin and Leon would need a few years to make that number eight and even then, we would essentially be sending children on runs. Then again, in an apocalypse, children don't get the luxury of being children.

The list was a harsh blow to the reality of the situation. While Ethan and Zach would be missed for who they were as people, much of the group's grief must have come from the fact that we lost two of our best runners, dimming our chance at survival.

"I think its starting," Heather whispered to me, still holding baby Luke, signaling me to close the journal in my hand.

As if to prove that she was right, Eduardo, the only male in the elders, spoke, "I think we all know by now, Ethan and Zach passed away yesterday." Passed away? Passed away made it sound like they died peacefully in their sleep. They were killed. And it was anything but peaceful.

I didnt realize how bothered I must have looked until I noticed Eduardo's stare. He must have taken it as sadness because he gave me a sympathetic nod, as if we were close friends, and motioned towards me, "This young lady here was with them in their last moments. But we're not here to speak about ends, we're here to celebrate life, and the lives Ethan and Zach lived. Would anyone like to begin?"

Heather seemed hesitant on what to share. Finally decided, she opened her mouth to speak but was beaten by a girl with wavy dark brown hair and creek green eyes. Freckles were scattered throughout her face. From the notes I took in ny journal I gathered that she must be Belle. The girl spoke quietly at first but gradually raised her voice as she talked, "I always had a crush on Ethan. And who can blame me, he was the light of the group. I didn't talk to him much when we were in school together, but when the apocalypse started, he took me and Aspen in without hesitation..." She gestured to the boy next to her, they must be twins, he was the spitting image of her. Dark brown hair, green eyes, freckles. Belle attempted to continue speaking but no words came out. She motioned towards her brother and sat down.

Aspen picked up where the girl left off, "And Zach, he was so mean it was kind of comforting actually. It didn't matter if you just met him or not, he'd act like you knew him forever. Less than week here he was already nagging at me to wash my dishes and to eat my share of food. He was my favorite person to go on runs with, he always brought everyone back..."

The impression the twins had of Zach and Ethan must've been accurate because Heather smiled thoughtfully at the stories being shared. I looked around the room, someone important was missing. While Aspen continued his stories on Ethan and Zach, I kept my voice to a light whisper, "Hey Heather, where's Alice?"

Heather matched my whisper, "I told her to go play in the Kids room. I had to bribe her with a smushed twinkie."

Of course Heather didn't want Alice here. Alice still didn't completely understand that Ethan and Zach were gone. She was only three. Heather wouldn't want her to understand.

Geoff stood up right as Aspen had sat down, "As a vet, well vet assistant, I have this habit of sorting everyone I meet into animals," he gestured to himself, "I'd be a bear. And before you ask, no not because of my belly." This gained a few chuckles from the group, Geoff seemed satisfied by this and he continued, "Well Ethan would be a dog and Zach would be a cat. And you'd never believe it but those two were the bestest friends you'd ever met. Ethan would follow behind Zach everywhere. And it's a good thing too, because Zach would go first to hurt your feelings and Ethan would come right after him to make you feel better." This time more laughter joined in onto the previous chuckles.

Geoff joined in onto the laughter before he cleared his throat and continued on more seriously, "It's fitting, that they were together, when it all happened. I know Zach loved his family so much, he wouldn't have wanted them to be there to see that. I find peace to know, him and Ethan had eachother at least and-" Geoff's voice cut off and was replaced by a single sob before he managed a, "they'll be missed" and sat down. I was wrong before. The group didn't mourn Ethan and Zach because they needed them, they mourned because they genuinely missed and respected them.

I was surprised to see Heather stand up, tears were freely falling from her face now, but she kept her voice steady as she rocked Luke in her arms, "Ethan made me the person who I am. He's constantly taught me kindness, even as children. He had so much hope. Enough hope to make up for all of us. He believed that times like these were a chance, a chance for humanity to prove how great we could be," Heather's voice wavered for a second but she didn't stop, "And Zach, he tried to act so tough but really he was such a big scaredy cat. You know, I used to have to kill the spiders while he hid behind me. Which only made his bravery so much more noble. Because he was brave. Even if he was terrified deep down. And he was the best daddy to his little girl. He changed more diapers than I did. I swear he would have breast fed her if he could." Heather's words became slurred after that, almost incomprehensible in between her sobs. I patted her shoulder as she sat down before I noticed Eduardo looking at me,

"Josephina, you were with them on their last day. I know you didn't know them much, but would you like to share any words?"

I couldn't say no. But the I certainly couldn't share the truth of what happened that day. I couldn't even forgive myself, I wouldn't even begin to imagine their reactions. I got up, uncertain on what to say, "Uh. Well, Ethan, he was one if the first people I met. And Zach was the third," my intro was already so awkward but there wasn't much I wanted to share to the whole group.

I decided to just speak the truth. Part of it at least, "Ethan was special to me. It sounds crazy, I knew him for less than 24 hours. But I'm certain, apocalypse or not, I could've fallen in love with him. You can't help falling in love Ethan, it just happens. He makes it easy to love him," I brushed my hands through my hair as I spoke, "And I didn't have to know Zach long to know that he's protective over the people he loves. He was a true friend to Ethan and I'm sure to all of you as well. I wish we could hold the Blue Moon Gang accountable somehow, but I know Zach and Ethan would just want us to be safe. They wouldn't want us to risk our lives for their honor," I was trying to convince myself of this just as much as I was trying to convince them. I took a deep breath,

"May they rest in peace."

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